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# 翻譯模板:台灣原住民族致中國習近平主席 Template for Translation: Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to President Xi Jinping of China
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## Content to translate
> [Original] 台灣原住民族致中國習近平主席
> [English translation] Indigenous Peoples of Taiwan to President Xi Jinping of China
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 台灣原住民族歷史正義與轉型正義委員會代表十七族之二十二位代表及委員會外代表八族之九位代表共同聲明
> [English translation] Declaration signed by 22 members representing 17 indigenous peoples in the Indigenous Historical Justice and Transitional Justice Committee of Taiwan, and subscribed by 9 prominent members of 8 more indigenous peoples.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習近平先生,你不認識我們,因此你不認識台灣。
> [English translation] Mr. Xi Jinping, you do not know us, so you do not know Taiwan.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 我們是台灣原住民族,生存在台灣這片母親土地上超過六千年,不是中華民族中的少數民族。
> [English translation] We are the indigenous peoples of Taiwan and have lived in Taiwan, our motherland, for more than six thousand years. We are not ethnic minorities within the so-called “Chinese nation”.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 我們祖先在台灣玉山、阿里山、大霸尖山、大武山、卑南主山、都蘭山以及山林、草原、深谷、溪流、島嶼、海洋流傳的故事明白顯示:台灣是原住民族的傳統領域,也是原住民族世世代代用生命守護的祖靈土地,不是中國的領土。
> [English translation] Stories told by our ancestors about the mountains, forests, grasslands, valleys, rivers, islands, and oceans of Taiwan testify that Taiwan is — and has always been — the traditional territory of the indigenous peoples on this land. Taiwan is the sacred land where generations of our ancestors have lived and protected with their lives. It has never belonged to China.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 台灣原住民族見證著來到島嶼的西班牙人、荷蘭人、鄭氏王朝、清帝國、日本國、中華民國的言行,我們跟荷蘭人簽過契約、跟美國人簽過和平協議,對抗過每一個侵略我們土地的外來民族與帝國主義,也受到後來殖民國家的武力鎮壓、威權統治。
> [English translation] We the indigenous peoples of Taiwan have witnessed the deeds and words of those who came to this island, including the Spanish, the Dutch, the Koxinga Kingdom, the Qing Kingdom, the Japanese, and the Republic of China. We signed contracts with the Dutch and peace agreements with the Americans. We have fought against imperialism and every foreign intruder of our land. We have suffered military suppression from colonial and authoritarian regimes.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 從被稱番人到台灣原來的主人,原住民族更推動著國家走上人權、民主、自由的轉變歷程。千百年來,我們仍在這裡,從未放棄我們的自然主權。
> [English translation] Once called “barbarians”, we are now recognized as the original owners of Taiwan. We the indigenous peoples of Taiwan have pushed this nation forward towards respect for human rights, democracy, and freedom. After thousands of years, we are still here. We have never given up our rightful claim to the sovereignty of Taiwan.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習近平先生,你不懂尊嚴,因此誤會了偉大。
> [English translation] Mr. Xi Jinping, you do not understand dignity, so you misunderstand greatness.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 在我們母親土地上建立起來的主權國家台灣,我們並不滿意,因為原住民族的歷史正義與轉型正義才剛剛開始被這個國家重視,台灣島上的多元民族、多元文化、多元歷史觀才剛剛開始受到這個國家肯定。
> [English translation] It is true that we are not satisfied with the current state of Taiwan, the sovereign state that has been built upon our motherland. This nation has just started paying attention to historical and transitional justice for the indigenous peoples. It has just begun to recognize its own ethnic and cultural diversity, as well as different understandings of history within its diverse peoples.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 但,這也是我們與所有認同台灣土地的其他族群努力形塑的國家,是不同族群正在理解彼此痛苦經歷的國家,是我們可以大聲用自己語言說自己故事的國家。
> [English translation] Nevertheless, Taiwan is also a nation that we are striving to build together with other peoples who recognize the distinct identity of this land. Taiwan is a nation accommodating diverse peoples trying to understand each other’s painful pasts, as well as a nation in which we can each tell our own stories in our own languages.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 我們在母親土地上自己決定想要什麼樣的國家,並積極改造它,這是尊嚴。無論人口數是三百多人的卡那卡那富族,還是二十一萬多人的阿美族,我們每一個原住民族都有平等的自決權,這是尊嚴。
> [English translation] Together we decide what kind of country Taiwan should be, and we work hard to improve it. This is dignity. Whether it is the Kanakanavu people with three hundred members, or the Amis with two hundred thousand members, each of us indigenous peoples have equal rights to self-determination. This is dignity.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習近平先生代表中國政府所推銷的單一文化價值、統一、強權,並不偉大也不令人嚮往。
> [English translation] We do not share the monoculturalism, unification, and hegemony promoted by you, Mr. Xi, on behalf of the government of China. It is far from greatness. It is of nothing that we desire.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 對土地謙卑、尊重其他生命、與各族群共存共好,才是我們的信念。
> [English translation] Being humble to the land, respecting other lives, co-existance with other groups of people in pursuit of common good — these are values that we believe in.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習近平先生,人不應該傷害別人,無論這個人跟自己多麼不一樣。
> [English translation] Mr. Xi Jinping, people should not harm each other, no matter their differences.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習先生代表中國政府的談話,強調以武力為後盾,堅持統一台灣、實施一國兩制,並表示不會傷害同為中國人的人。
> [English translation] In the speech you presented on behalf of the government of China, Mr. Xi, you have demonstrated your military strength and insisted on reunifying Taiwan with the implementation of “One Country, Two Systems”. You also stated that no harm will come to those who are “Chinese”.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 但暴力是不對的,無論是不是中國人,都不應該遭到傷害。
> [English translation] However, any violence is wrong, and no one should be harmed for their identity or beliefs, Chinese or otherwise.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 我們已經看到藏族、維吾爾族成為「中國人」之後,在「民族自治區」遭遇文化、語言、信仰的滅絕。我們看到一國兩制之下的香港人民,快速失去民主與自由。我們看到中國人民,甚至無法說出或捍衛自己的基本人權。
> [English translation] We have witnessed in the “autonomous regions” the Tibetans and the Uyghurs being driven into cultural, linguistic, and religious extinction after they became “Chinese”. We have witnessed the people of Hong Kong quickly losing freedom and democracy under “One Country, Two Systems”. We have witnessed how China’s own people cannot even speak out for or defend their fundamental human rights.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習先生,暴力無法帶來和平,Misawacu hanizaay masasu takid(欺侮別人的人也會受到同樣的報應;撒奇萊雅族古諺)。
> [English translation] Mr. Xi, force does not lead to peace. As the old saying of Sakizaya goes, Misawacu hanizaay masasu takid — those who bully others will have the same brought back to them.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 請帶領你的國家邁向真正的文明,停止武力恫嚇台灣人民,致力讓中國人民享有人權與自由。
> [English translation] We urge you to bring true greatness to your country, to stop threatening the people of Taiwan with force, and to strive to bring human rights and freedom to the people of China.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 習近平先生,台灣原住民族與台灣的主體性,拒絕威脅也不退讓。
> [English translation] Mr. Xi Jinping, we the indigenous peoples of Taiwan will not be threatened and will make no concessions.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 台灣的國家未來,是母親土地上所有族群的自主決定,包括台灣原住民族在內。同時,沒有經過原住民族行使集體自決權之前,任何政府、政黨、團體都不得與外來勢力及國家協商,將原住民族的傳統領域併入他國領土或成為他國實質管理的範圍。
> [English translation] The future of Taiwan will be decided by self-determination of the Taiwanese indigenous peoples and all the people who live on our motherland. No government, political party, or organization has the right to negotiate with any foreign power in an attempt to surrender the control of the traditional territory of ours, the indigenous peoples of Taiwan.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 這是我們守護母親土地的決心,台灣原住民族堅持了數千年,也會繼續堅持下去。
> [English translation] We are the determined guardians of our motherland, as we have been for thousands of years, and will continue to be.
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 如果有一天,中國放棄扭曲的歷史觀、民族觀、國家觀,樂意成為我們的善良鄰居,而不是強行要當我們的父母。那個時候,我們會誠心舉杯,敬中國這個鄰居一杯小米酒。pasola xmnx na mansonsou!(願您每回呼吸都順暢;鄒族語)
> [English translation] If one day China abandons its distorted understanding of history, nationality, and statehood; if one day China becomes our friendly neighbor and stops claiming its forceful “parenthood” upon us; only then will we propose a toast to China, our neighbor, with a cup of millet wine in all our sincerity. Pasola xmnx na mansonsou! (May every time you breathe, you breathe smoothly; Tsou)
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 聲明人
> [English translation] Signatories
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 浦忠成(鄒族)、馬千里 Mateli Sawawan(卑南族)、Magaitan·Lhkatafatu(邵族)、伍麗華Saidai Tarovecahe(魯凱族)、夏錦龍 Obay·Ataw·Hayawan(賽夏族)、Eleng Tjaljimaraw(排灣族)、鴻義章 Upay Kanasaw(阿美族)、曾華德 集福祿萬(排灣族)、林碧霞 Afas Falah(阿美族)、帖喇・尤道 Teyra Yudaw(太魯閣族)、伊斯坦大・貝雅夫・正福 Istanda·Paingav·Cengfu(布農族)、伊央・撒耘 Yiyang Sayion(撒奇萊雅族)、吳新光 voe-uyongana(鄒族)、潘經偉(馬卡道族)、孔賢傑 ’Avia Kanpanena(卡那卡那富族)、潘杰 Watan Teymu(賽德克族)、謝宗修 Buya·Batu(噶瑪蘭族)、葛新雄(拉阿魯哇族)、蘇美琅 Savi Takisvilainan(布農族)、吳雪月(阿美族)、Uma Talavan 萬淑娟(西拉雅族,南區平埔族群代表)、陳金萬(凱達格蘭族,北區平埔族群代表)
> [English translation] 浦忠成 (Tsou), 馬千里 Mateli Sawawan (Pinuyumayan), Magaitan·Lhkatafatu (Thao), 伍麗華 Saidai Tarovecahe (Rukai), 夏錦龍 Obay·Ataw·Hayawan (Saisiyat), Eleng Tjaljimaraw (Paiwan), 鴻義章 Upay Kanasaw (Amis), 曾華德 集福祿萬 (Paiwan), 林碧霞 Afas Falah (Amis), 帖喇・尤道 Teyra Yudaw (Truku), 伊斯坦大・貝雅夫・正福 Istanda·Paingav·Cengfu (Bunun), 伊央・撒耘 Yiyang Sayion (Sakizaya), 吳新光 voe-uyongana (Tsou), 潘經偉 (Makatao), 孔賢傑 ’Avia Kanpanena (Kanakanavu), 潘杰 Watan Teymu (Sediq), 謝宗修 Buya·Batu (Kavalan), 葛新雄 (Hla’alua), 蘇美琅 Savi Takisvilainan (Bunun), 吳雪月 (Amis), Uma Talavan 萬淑娟 (Siraya, representative of Southern Pingpu), 陳金萬 (Ketagalan, representative of Northern Pingpu)
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] 其他民族參與聲明人(非原轉會委員)
> [English translation] Non-committee-member signatories
[Your translation here...]
> [Original] Omi Wilang 歐蜜・偉浪(泰雅族)、王商益 Kaisanan Ahuan(道卡斯族)、乃俊廷(巴布薩族)、張麗盆(拍瀑拉族)、潘明燈(拍瀑拉族)、巫瑞晞(阿里坤族)、胡雋婕 Snglang(羅亞族)、潘隆川(噶哈巫族)、希婻・瑪飛洑(達悟族)
> [English translation] Omi Wilang 歐蜜・偉浪 (Atayal), 王商益 Kaisanan Ahuan (Taokas), 乃俊廷 (Babuza), 張麗盆 (Papora), 潘明燈 (Papora), 巫瑞晞 (Arikun), 胡雋婕 Snglang (Lloa), 潘隆川 (Kaxabu), 希婻・瑪飛洑 (Tao/Yami)
[Your translation here...]