我覺得這 15 篇貼文可以採取一致的架構 chihao
五月,g0v 社群順利讓 g0v Summit 在中研院復活,感謝各位「沒有人」的參與,也要感謝眾多合作伙伴的支持與貢獻!接下來,我們將陸續介紹這次 g0v Summit 2024 的合作伙伴出場,請掌聲鼓勵 👏
首先,從法學視角出發,關心新興科技對社會、國家影響的 #中研院資訊法中心 是這次 summit 的「議程協力」伙伴,協助
Information law has always been part of the research scope of the “Technology Advancement and Regulation” research group at the Institutum Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica, or IIAS. To better respond to the impacts of emerging technologies, IIAS established the Information Law Center (“the Center”) in July 2019. The Center engages in cross-domain and interdisciplinary dialogues with the information technology and data science communities. It aims to participate in the debate and configuration of goals and values at the beginning of scientific and technological development that precedes information law research. Additionally, the Center seeks to translate traditional academic research results in information law into practical policy language, generating concrete and practical influence on the formulation and implementation of relevant legal and policy frameworks.
Currently, the Center plans to address themes including artificial intelligence, information law and regulation, democratic surveillance and governance, health and information, and intellectual property rights. Through explorations and deliberations in the spirit of openness and interdisciplinary connectedness, the Center strives to conduct forward-looking academic research, transform research discussions into popular format, and inform Taiwan’s public on relevant issues related to information law.
The Center aspires to be a platform for exchange and interaction among researchers, civil society, and practitioners. Through communication, connection, and discussion among stakeholders, it seeks to balance scientific and technological research and development, industry practices, and legal and ethical norms, enhancing the overall public interest of the society and shaping the future of data-driven democracy.
Access Now 是一個國際人權組織,以全球為範圍,致力於捍衛和伸張受危害群體與個人的數位人權。透過直接的技術支援、策略性的宣傳、專案資助以及 RightsCon 會議等多軌行動策略,實踐目標,在數位時代捍衛人權。
自 2009 年成立以來,Access Now 已發展成為一支由 130 多名專家組成的團隊,致力於在世界各地(包括非洲、亞太地區、東歐和中歐)的政治權力、技術創新和公民行動要地,推進我們的使命,包括亞洲 、歐盟、拉丁美洲和加勒比海地區、中東/北非 和美國。成立至今,Access Now 已成為數位人權領域中,全球指摽性的非政府組織之一。
當迫害人權的新技術和數位工具,日新月異更迭,Access Now 除了快速回應威脅與風險,也以中長期的策略與發展前景,影響全球政府機構的長期政策制定,也為打造更好的未來,其中,全球合作夥伴、捐助者和盟友是不可或缺,作為推動社會改變的一部分,Access Now 更致力於捍衛包容性和多元化的民主; 保留民間社會蓬勃發展的空間;並賦予個人在數據驅動的社會中控制自己的資訊、隱私和身分的能力。
Access Now is an international human rights organization dedicated to defending and extending the digital rights of people and communities at risk around the world. By combining direct technical support, strategic advocacy, grassroots grantmaking, and convenings such as RightsCon, the organization fights for human rights in the digital age.Since its founding in 2009, Access Now has grown into a team of more than 130 experts working to advance our mission in centers of political power, technical innovation, and civic action around the world, including across Africa, Asia Pacific, Eastern Europe and Central Asia (EECA), the European Union, Latin America and the Caribbean, the Middle East/North Africa (MENA), and the United States. It has matured into one of the world’s leading NGOs in the digital rights sector.Every day, Access Now sees the emergence of new technologies and digital tools with the potential to disrupt human rights. To mitigate the threats as they emerge, the organization has its eyes on both today’s developments and the horizon, reacting to what we see and anticipating what lies ahead. With the indispensable support of partners, donors, and allies, Access Now fights to defend inclusive and pluralist democracies; preserve spaces for civil society to flourish; and empower individuals to control their own information, privacy, and identities in data-driven societies.
開放文化基金會(Open Culture Foundation,簡稱 OCF)是一個非營利性的組織。透過推廣開放科技和跨界合作,在台灣持續的銜繫科技社群與其他公/私領域,來促成開放共創保障數位人權、支持透明涵融的數位公民社會。
自 2014 年創立以來,我們以法人做為組織形式,支持台灣 30 多個開放科技社群,在過程中,不僅是持續性的推廣開放科技概念,我們也開始參與政策倡議,為眾人的數位人權發聲,進而創建了一個在台灣發展開放科技的基地。這些成果並非由開放文化基金會獨立實現,而是透過科技社群和公民夥伴一起促使台灣的數位/網路環境變得更加公開、透明和公眾參與 — 不論這樣的參與是以個人、社群或是組織為名義。
The Open Culture Foundation (OCF) is a nonpartisan, non-profit organization. Our mission is to build bridges between local and global open tech communities and thus act as a mediator for promoting open culture. Our main goal is to support local communities in advocating open technology, as we see open technology as the core to securing digital rights and internet freedom.
Founded in 2014 by several open tech communities in Taiwan, OCF was established as the fiscal sponsor for Taiwanese open tech communities. Our main goal is to support local communities in their advocacy for open culture and open tech. We have continued to support these communities to run large-scale conferences, seminars, and hackathons. We help governments, enterprises, and NGOs better understand the benefits of adopting open technology and promote open tech in the public sphere. We believe that a culture of openness is the foundation for an innovative society and the engine of participatory democracy.
The National Science and Technology Council (NSTC) of Taiwan serves as the governmental body dedicated to fostering the progress of science and technology within the nation. Its core objectives include overseeing the comprehensive advancement of technology, supporting scientific research, and establishing science parks. In addition, the NSTC undertakes the strategic planning of Taiwan’s technological landscape, spearheading technological innovation and resource allocation. The NSTC plays the pivotal role in coordinating efforts across domains and departments. It collaborates with stakeholders at all stages of technological development and industrial application, ensuring the effective implementation of plans and driving economic growth and national advancement.
可立可股份有限公司成立於 2017 年,在過去幾年來,可立可陪伴著數以百計的企業面對規模化以及數位轉型,深知企業在營運與資訊需求的痛點。因此,我們致力於提供全方位的資訊顧問服務,賦能企業實踐其成長目標。可立可的服務涵蓋:連結 Connectivity、協作 Collaboration、合規 Compliance 三大面向,以兼具韌性與彈性的服務賦能企業,協助企業隨著規模擴大而成長,並運用新世代的科技工具和管理模式來減輕企業的負擔和煩惱。透過我們的服務,企業不僅可以實現數位轉型,還可以達到資安合規的目標,並享受前所未有的服務體驗。
Since founded in 2017, KlickKlack Communications has helped hundreds of businesses tackle the challenges of scaling and digital transformation in recent years. We deeply understand the technical pain points when it comes to business operations and information needs. Therefore, we are committed to providing comprehensive information consulting services to empower businesses to achieve their growth goals. KlickKlack services focus on three aspects: Connectivity, Collaboration, and Compliance, providing businesses with resilient and flexible enterprise-grade services.
We offer assistance throughout their growth with next-generation technology tools and management models to alleviate potential burdens. Our services help businesses achieve digital transformation while meeting their security and compliance goals, resulting in unparalleled service satisfaction.
台灣資訊環境研究中心 IORG 成立於 2019 年,任務是以資料驅動、可驗證的公開研究揭露華語資訊操弄,以科學方法測量資訊操弄對台灣社會的影響,並推動校園及社區的數位公民教育,與台灣各界、世界各地的伙伴協力防治資訊操弄、改善公共討論、強化民主韌性。
Taiwan Information Environment Research Center (IORG) is established in 2019 with a mission to expose Mandarin information manipulation with data-driven verifiable public research, to measure impact of information manipulation to Taiwan’s society with scientific methodologies, to promote digital civics education in schools and communities, and to collaborate with diverse partners in Taiwan and worldwide in reducing information manipulation, facilitate public discourse, and strengthen democratic resilience.
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網絡行動科技股份有限公司(NETivism)成立於 2009 年,自許為從數位公益出發的社會企業,專注於為非營利組織提供以自由軟體為基礎的資訊科技應用方案。 我們認為網路資訊科技能夠促成社會變革,影響文化、政治、環境等公共議題,帶來娛樂與商業行為之外的改變。
我們以解決非營利組織的數位落差為目標,除了協助非營利組織打造近未來的網站之外,也專注於提供 netiCRM 支持者關係管理雲端服務,透過滿足定期定額線上捐款自動化、電子報行銷、活動報名等需求,協助非營利組織財務獨立、永續經營,解決日益複雜的社會問題。
NETivism (Internet for Activism), established in 2009, is a social enterprise rooted in digital philanthropy. We are dedicated to providing information technology solutions for non-profit organizations based on free software. Internet technology can catalyze social change, influencing public issues such as culture, politics, and the environment, ushering in transformations beyond entertainment and commercial activities.
Our mission centers on addressing the digital divide among non-profit organizations and assisting non-profits in building cutting-edge websites. We also specialize in providing netiCRM, a cloud-based supporter relationship management service, by fulfilling needs such as automating recurring online donations, e-newsletter marketing, and event registration. We help non-profit organizations achieve financial independence and sustainable operations, tackling increasingly complex social issues.