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tags : vTaiwan小松
# 20200401 vTaiwan 小黑客松
時間:2020/04/01 週三 19:00-21:00
地點:社會創新實驗中心 2F A9 會議室(地圖:https://goo.gl/maps/X65uN9PFXAo)
待辦事項區:[vTaiwan 待辦事項(歡迎認領工作)](https://g0v.hackpad.tw/vTaiwan--AuHFzoOJk7o)
線上組:Ronny, ky, Vienna, 哲輔, 沙贊, chewei
18:30-19:00 報到 Arrival and Registration
19:00-19:15 開場、自我介紹
19:15-19:30 確認討論議程
19:30-21:00 討論&hacking
21:00-21:30 成果分享&決定下週主持人
- ronny 新大松線上平台
- 壞掉了~~~
- 不開視訊大家就會很沈默呢
- 似乎必須要有主持人
- 開始時間往後延?
- 開的時候同時貼粉專?
- 線上意見徵集工具 follow up
- 要改 pol.is 嗎?它現在壞掉的地方是?
- 沒辦法註冊:https://pol.is/home
- 現在可用的是 PDIS 版本但沒辦法像 pol.is 版一樣註冊 https://polis.pdis.nat.gov.tw/
- 現在版本的 pol.is 面臨的問題
- 問題太多使用者沒有耐心回答完所有的問題
- 種子問題不夠的時候:好像除了自己寫以外沒辦法解決?
- 產出分群的算法不明(還是說可以找出來?)
- 官方建議上限 1,000 人
- 介面好像可以更友善?
- 要繼續 survey 嗎還是夠了
- 目前的 tool survey https://g0v.hackmd.io/NeEbQF6iTVmZXyYOyV6mfQ (要不要單獨開一個共筆)
- 仔魚:個人覺得可以以一個設計全新線上討論工具的角度思考?(重開機?)
- Vienna(from Malaysia)
- **Interoperable Governance** (if interested, let me know)
- Interoperable Governance Summit
- Earth 2030 @FutureLaw April 6th, 2020 9:00am – 6:00pm PST
(A series of online working sessions throughout the day)
Interoperable Governance Summit - Earth 2030 @FutureLaw is an invitation-only online working session at which all attendees are invited as active participants.
- Event Description:
These are unprecedented times. Our context seems to change each day, as more of the world enters enforced isolation, and as we witness our friends, families, and communities fall victim to the virus, and its psychological and economic fallout. As a gesture of community solidarity and resilience, we invite you to join an interdisciplinary, online gathering focused on collective sensemaking, knowledge, and skill-sharing around critical digital technologies and their role in supporting global policy-makers and community-leaders. Our full-day of online working sessions will be carefully facilitated to allow for practicing online collaboration skills, and sharing and ongoing discussion around the immediate and longer-term research and action that our community is uniquely placed to contribute at this juncture. The summit will commence with a focus on immediate, near term research and projects that are currently putting in place legal and technical governance standards to enable coordination and the sharing of data to address urgent pandemic-response needs. A key issue is how to balance unprecedented surveillance capabilities with the preservation of privacy and civil liberties, which if preserved, can encourage the trust that promotes sharing and compliance. We will be engaging with some of the tools of scenario planning and world-building, to look at how these developing frameworks for coordinated action and interoperable governance can apply also to ongoing research and projects, including around climate action and financial regulation. And we will hear from leading thinkers and builders in considering what future role will be played by both legal professionals and legally engineered tools, such as automated legal entities. As lawyers, policy-makers, technologists, and community-leaders, working together, we can learn from one another and help build the capacity to be responsive and resilient in these uncertain times, via coordinated governance frameworks that enable collaboration between diverse groups, in both urgent, and longer-term service of the common good. Sincerely, CodeX: The Stanford Center for Legal Informatics, in association with the Stanford CodeX Blockchain Group, Stanford Journal of Blockchain Law and Policy, the Tech4Good Project, and the MIT Computational Law Report.
* Vienna:徵求對 Interoperable Governance 有興趣的朋友。
* 試玩新大松線上平台
* 線上小松不再沈默:徵求下週主持人...?
vtaiwan 基金餘額
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