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tags: g0v-summit, 2020
# E-mail 通知信們
## 11/18 給落選者的議程和辦桌折扣碼信(中文 only)
**Subject: 【g0v Summit 2020】購票折扣碼:敬邀參加大會 & 報名 Unconference / 閃電講**
Hi g0v Summit 2020 投稿者們:
首先再次感謝各位於今年 6 - 9 月的投稿!
儘管由於時間及場地限制,無法將各位所有精彩的稿件排入今年的官方議程中,但我們仍希望所有投稿者們都能有更多機會來到 g0v Summit 現場與會眾和其他講者們面對面相互交流。所以我們為各位準備了議程與辦桌晚餐的折扣碼,邀請您一同參加 12/4(五)- 12/6(日)的議程!
1. 請到這個折扣碼認領表單中,領取任一尚未被使用的折扣碼,並在使用後在「已認領」欄位填寫「是」:https://reurl.cc/Xkbqb0
2. 要使用「議程折扣碼」,請前往議程購票頁面 https://g0v-summit-2020.kktix.cc/events/c0nf 選擇「議程投稿票 Ticket for Proposal Submission」,填入折扣碼和基本資料,就可以買到 $1500 優惠票囉!(12/4-6 議程原價 $2200)
3. 要使用「辦桌折扣碼」,請前往辦桌購票頁面 https://reurl.cc/j5emD1 選擇「辦桌投稿票 Ticket for Proposal Submission」,填入折扣碼和基本資料,就可以買到 $700 優惠票囉!(12/5 週六晚餐辦桌原價 $900)
⚠️ 辦桌晚餐的購票僅至 11/22 日止,請儘速購買!⚠️
✅ 辦桌共有 12 道菜,菜單請見辦桌購票頁面:https://reurl.cc/j5emD1
✅ 大會議程與辦桌晚餐為分開的活動,兩者皆參加,或擇一參加都可以!
另外,本次 g0v Summit 將會在週日下午有半天的 unconference 及閃電講,詳情近期內會另行於 FB 說明及以 email 通知會眾。期待各位報名參與發表!
* Unconference,中文譯為「開放工作坊」,又簡稱 unconf,是一種議程由參與者決定的會議,與傳統研討會議程相比有著更開放、更民主的特性,與閃電講相比有著更多時間及形式上的彈性。在會眾投遞完想要分享的主題之後,由會眾現場自行投票決定想聽的主題。本屆 g0v Summit 的 Unconference 安排在星期日的下午 2 點半至 3 點半及 4 點至 5 點。主題、形式皆不拘,所有會眾皆可報名分享及投票。自己的研討會自己帶,自己的議程自己決定!
* Lightning talk,中文譯為「閃電講」,又稱 data blitz,顧名思義即為「閃電一般短的演講」。每位講者僅有 5 分鐘的演講時間,時間一到就輪到下一位講者上台。講者必須以飛快的速度,進行簡潔扼要的分享;會眾也能在最短的時間內得到廣泛卻又最精華的知識。本屆 g0v Summit 的閃電講安排在星期日的下午 5 點,所有會眾皆可現場報名上台分享。主題不拘,只要你有想介紹或分享的專案或議題,我們來者不拒。先搶先贏,名額有限,超時關麥!
再次感謝各位的參與及貢獻,希望能在 g0v Summit 的大會會場上、辦桌晚餐的桌邊,或是各個 g0v 大小黑客松與你見面!
g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
## 11/12 主持人與講者媒合信
**Subject:【g0v Summit 2020】Discussion about Moderation of Your Session / 主持人與講者的溝通**
Thank you again to agree to moderate the session 【XXX】, which contains the following presentations:
- blablabla
- blablabla
- blablabla
This e-mail is cc'ed to all contact persons of the presentations above. We ask you to kindly discuss with them about the moderation of the session, e.g. how you would like to introduce them, who should decide which online/on-site questions to be answered, etc.. Please also put programming@summit.g0v.tw in cc.
If you need any help from the programming task force, don't hesitate to ask us, we are here to help! Thank you!
g0v Summit 2020 Programming Task Force
- blablabla
- blablabla
- blablabla
這封信也同時會以副本方式寄給上列議程的所有主要聯絡人。請與他們聯絡,討論屆時的主持事宜(如何介紹各議程、由誰挑選哪些線上或現場問題來回答等等)。過程中也請將副本寄給 programming@summit.g0v.tw。
g0v Summit 2020 議程組
## 11/11 催補英文資料通知信
g0v Summit 2020 《(議程名稱)》講者您好,
再請您抽空至 投稿網站 https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/ 點選右上角的「**管理投稿**」補齊英文資料
- 議程相關
- **英語標題 Title in English**
- **英語摘要 Summary in English**
- 講者相關
- **英文顯示名稱 Speaker’s display name in English**
- **英文組織名稱 Speaker’s organization or community affiliation in English**
- **英文城市名稱 Speaker’s location (city) in English**
- **講者英文自我介紹 Speaker’s bio in English**
距離 Summit 剩下不到一個月,期待12月台南相見!
g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
## 11/10 折扣碼通知信
## 10/20 告知遠端 talk 講者預錄影片
Subject:【g0v Summit 2020】About your remote talk
Dear g0v summit 2020 remote speakers,
Thanks that you've updated your talk on the proposal website and chosen to give the talk remotely!
Due to the very tight agenda and the technical complexity to have on-site / remote speakers and on-site / remote participants all together, we decided to run the remote talk by playing pre-recorded video and hold the Q&A session live through web conferencing software (details to be announced), in order to lower the risk of technical issues and make the conference running smoother. Thus, **we ask you to kindly provide us with your talk as pre-recorded video before November 18 (Wed.)**.
The workflow of the remote talk is as follows:
1. Join the online meeting (link will be provided in advance) 5 minutes before the starting time of your talk.
2. As we play and broadcast your pre-recorded video, you stay in the meeting room and have a look at the online Q&A platform, Slido, to examine the questions which participants can ask while watching the pre-recorded video. The moustderator and the staff might discuss with you about the details of the Q&A session, while the video is still playing.
3. **In the Q&A session, you will be able to talk directly with all participants.** You and the moderator will decide which questions to answer, both those on Slido and those the on-site participants ask directly through the microphone.
The format of the recorded video is not restricted, please make sure that the video, the presentation and the voice is clear. However, we recommended you to open an online meeting room (Google Meet, Jitsi Meet, etc.), give your talk as if you're facing the audience, and record your screen.
If you have any technical issues or need support, please contact us through programming@summit.g0v.tw, we are willing to help you out!
Thank you for your cooperation, we are looking forward to seeing you in December online!
g0v Summit 2020 Programming Task Force
> [name=oliver]
> - recorded talk 要不要統一改用 'pre-recorded presentations' 或是 'pre-recorded talk' ?
> - the the conference 多一個 the
> - 第2點的 you stay in the ... 要不要把 'you' 改成 'speaker(s)'?
> - 第2點的 online Q&A platform Slido to examine... > 在Slido 前後加逗點?
> [name=hkazami]
> - 加了 pre 和逗號、改了 typo,you 是故意的XD
## 10/10 通知改稿死線
致 g0v summit 2020 分享者:
再次恭喜大家的投稿獲得錄取!相信大家一定很期待 12 月的盛會,不過以下有一些事項需要請各位配合:
1. 請於 10/18(下週日)前在 proposal 改稿頁面確認您的分享形式為線上還是現場分享、以及出席的講者人數,以利我們後續寄送正確數量與種類的優惠碼給您(每位講者一組優惠碼,最多三組)。
2. 10/26 為本次改稿最終期限,一旦過了這個時間,我們將關閉稿件相關資訊的修改功能。
3. 詳細議程時間已公布,請於 summit 主網站確認您的議程開始與結束的時間。
summit 主網站連結:https://summit.g0v.tw/2020/agenda/
propose 改稿網站連結:https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/
感謝各位的貢獻,有任何問題請透過 programming@summit.g0v.tw 聯繫我們!
Peter & Steven
g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
Dear g0v summit 2020 CfP speaker:
We are glad that your session is accepted, and we believe everyone is looking forward to participate this wonderful event in December, but before that, here are some things for which we need your cooperation:
1. Please clarify your sharing format on the proposal website (two formats: on-site or online) as well as how many speakers in your session before October 18, since we need to send you the right discount codes, with which you can get your free tickets (1 free ticket per speaker, maximum 3 tickets).
2. October 26 is the deadline for you to revise information about your session on the proposal website. We will close the access afterwards. Grab your chance!
3. The detailed time schedule is released on the g0v Summit 2020 main page (link see below). Please check and confirm when your session begins and ends.
4. Notification about the traveling restriction to Taiwan: Although the situation in Taiwan is better than many places around the world, we still have many restrictions for those who come to Taiwan. According to the latest instruction, you have to subject to the following things:
1. You have to apply for the entry permit first, and we are afraid that the document we can prepare for you can’t meet your needs.
2. After you land at the airport, you still need to stay in quarantine for two weeks, even if you test negative in the previous health check.
Therefore, we strongly suggest you participate in g0v summit 2020 through online meetings. However, if you really want to join this event face to face, please contact us.
Summit main page: https://summit.g0v.tw/2020/en/agenda/
Proposal website: https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/
Thank you for your contribution to g0v summit 2020. If you have any problem, feel free to contact us through programming@summit.g0v.tw.
Hope all is well
Peter & Steven
g0v Summit 2020 Programming Task Force
## 9/25 主持人確認邀請信(坑主:chihao)
Hi [主持人姓名],
感謝你接受邀請,承諾擔任 g0v Summit 2020 議程【主持人】。以下是細節資訊及需要你協助的事項:
█ 議程分軌 █
█ 時間 █
12/? 週? ??:??-??:??
█ 議程內容 █
[稿件名稱] [稿件網址連結]
[稿件名稱] [稿件網址連結]
[稿件名稱] [稿件網址連結]
COVID-19 造成許多講者無法確定旅行計劃,可能必須遠端連線參與。有關議程及講者的更多細節,請詢問議程組。
█ 地點 █
█ 直播、口譯 █
該軌議程,大會【備有】影音直播(暫定使用 YouTube)
該軌議程,大會【備有】同步華英口譯(暫定使用 Cisco Webex)
█ 主持工作 █
1. 大會開始前,聯繫講者、溝通議程內容
2. 議程開始前,稍微提早到指定場地,與議程助理溝通,確保議程順利進行
3. 議程進行中,介紹講者、控制時間、主持與觀眾的互動、問答
█ 大會回饋 █
大會亦誠摯邀請你參與 12/5 週六晚間的晚宴。12/5 週六晚間在台南【振興里活動中心】舉辦,由【東香台菜】負責的辦桌,所有的講者、主持人、工人都可以免費參與,目前也已開放會眾購票參與。我們期待藉由辦桌,能讓講者、主持人、工人、會眾更放鬆的自由交流。
█ 請填主持人資料表單 █
為了讓大會議程能儘速、順利公布,請協助我們填寫主持人資料表單。議程組已提供 template,請從以下連結下載文件,或在雲端建立副本,填妥【講者或主持人資訊】後以附件或附連結的方式回覆,讓議程組處理資料。
再次感謝你對 g0v Summit 2020 的貢獻,期待 12 月在台南見面!
g0v Summit 2020 議程委員會 Programming Committee
## 9/15 催促信-中文(坑主:Claire)
**【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】請於 9/18 前儘速回覆是否接受錄取**
Hi 各位 g0v Summit 2020 的投稿者們:
g0v summit 2020 團隊正在緊鑼密鼓的籌備,急需您於 9/18(五)23:59 前回覆 9/11 寄出的 **「稿件錄取通知信」** ,告知我們是否接受錄取。
非常感謝您的配合,期待能在 g0v Summit 2020 聽到您精彩的議程!
g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
## 9/15 催促信-英文(坑主:Claire)
Subject: 【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】Please reply to your acceptance notice before Sep. 18
Hi all g0v Summit 2020 proposers,
Did you receive the acceptance notice of your submission?
Since the g0v summit 2020 task force is organizing the whole event tightly, we need you to kindly reply to the **[Regarding Your Submission]** we sent on 9/11 and tell us if you would join the event before 23:59 pm, 9/18 (Fri.).
**Without your reply, we will not be able to guarantee your session.**
Thanks for your contribution to g0v Summit 2020, we are looking forward to having your excellent session in December.
Programming Task Force (Prog-TF), g0v Summit 2020
## 9/x CfP 結果通知信:錄取(無要求變更稿件)
- 錄取信寫法我覺得大概可以這樣 [name=hkazami]
1. 議程出來了
2. 你的OO形式的投稿XXX被錄取了,時間目前安排在12月X號禮拜X(i.e.議程第O天),地點OO(地點就好不用房間名稱)場地人數上限OOO,時間長度XXX
- 20 分鐘 talk 要說會有和其他 talk 共用的 QA 時間
- 30 分鐘 talk 要說已包含 QA 時間
3. 請回這封信告訴我們你要不要接受錄取
4. 如果要的話
- 我們收到你的信後會把你在propose的稿件再打開給你修改,改過的稿件和講者內容審核後會更新在網站上
- 票開賣之後,講者會有另外的取票方式,細節會另行告知
5. 如果不接受錄取的話,也請盡快告知
6. 感謝支持保持聯絡我們summit見
p.s. 給一般人看的疫情備案還沒出來,之後再視情況看要不要寄信通知
### 中文(坑主:Oliver)
**【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】《[`稿件名稱`]》稿件錄取通知信**
Hi 各位 g0v Summit 2020 的投稿者們:
感謝您的投稿以及耐心的等候,本次 g0v Summit 的議程已審理完畢。
> **但由於時間及場地安排因素,我們希望您能做以下更動:**
- 日期: [`日期`]
- 地點: [`場地名稱`]
- 議程長度: [`決議時長`](已包含提問時間 / 不含提問時間,將與其他議程合併提問)
20 分鐘 talk 要說會有和其他 talk 共用的 QA 時間
30 分鐘 talk 要說已包含 QA 時間
參考 [議程草案](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bNbBJ7gSElVucopg5e3MRPxKYL-eVzqS5CUzOqwycLE/edit#gid=256857225)
- 場地人數上限為 [`場地容納人數`]
**請務必於 9/14(一)前回覆此信告知是否接受錄取,若無回信恕無法保證錄取資格!**
若您接受錄取,請至原投稿網站 https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/ 更新您的稿件資訊、講者資訊,以及勾選您是否參加實體分享。若有任何技術或操作上的問題,請回此信或寄信至 programming@summit.g0v.tw 與我們聯絡。
再次感謝您的參與,期待 12 月在 g0v Summit 2020 與您碰面!
g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
### 英文(坑主:Peter)
Subject: 【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】Regarding Your Submission
Hi all g0v Summit 2020 proposers,
Thank you for your submission and patience. We are overwhelmed by all the amazing submissions this year.
We are excited to announce that your submission passed the review and become part of this wonderful event.
> However due to the limit of time and space, we hope you can rearrange your session as follows.
Your 【[`投稿形式`]】【[`議程名稱`]】 will be arranged as follows:
- Date: [`日期`]
- Place: [`場地名稱`]
- Duration: [`決議時長`] (Q&A time is included / Q&A time is not included, there will be another shared Q&A time for all speakers in the session.)
20 分鐘 talk 要說會有和其他 talk 共用的 QA 時間
30 分鐘 talk 要說已包含 QA 時間
參考 [議程草案](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1bNbBJ7gSElVucopg5e3MRPxKYL-eVzqS5CUzOqwycLE/edit#gid=256857225)
- Venue capacity: [`場地容納人數+participants`]
**Please reply to this letter to tell us if you can participate by September 14th. Without reply we will not be able to guarantee your session.**
If you are able to participate, here are some notices.
1. please verify / modify the speaker and program information through the original proposal website https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/. If you have any technical issues or need help, please contact us through programming@summit.g0v.tw.
2. Tickets for speakers will be provided through different ways. We will inform you of the details afterwards.
3. [`議程委員備註`]
Thanks for your contribution to g0v Summit 2020, we are looking forward to seeing you in December.
Programming Task Force (Prog-TF), g0v Summit 2020
## 9/x CfP 結果通知信:拒絕
- 拒絕信寫法我覺得大概可以這樣 [name=hkazami]
1. 議程出來了
2. 週五週六沒有你
3. 沒關係我們禮拜天有半天unconf,希望你到時候買票然後報名unconf
4. 如果有錄取講者不能來,我們也會再來求你
5. 感謝支持保持聯絡我們summit見
### 中文(坑主:Oliver)
**【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】結果通知信**
Hi 各位 g0v Summit 2020 的投稿者們:
感謝您的投稿以及耐心的等候,本次 g0v Summit 的議程已審理完畢。
由於投稿踴躍,以及時間與場地上的限制,很遺憾無法將您的投稿排入本次 g0v Summit 的議程中。但本次 g0v Summit 將會有半天的 unconference 及閃電講,可供現場會眾自由報名參與發表,希望您不要錯過。
再次感謝您的踴躍投稿,希望能在 g0v Summit 2020 的會場上或是各個 g0v 大小黑客松與您見面!
g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
### 英文(坑主:Peter)
【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】Regarding Your Submission
Hi all g0v Summit 2020 proposers,
Thank you for your submission and patience. We are overwhelmed by all the amazing submissions this year.
Unfortunately, we are not able to accept your session due to the limited time and space. Nevertheless, we also have unconference event and lightning talk on the last day of g0v Summit 2020. You are always welcomed to register it and participate this wonderful event in different ways.
**If there are any changes of the program or if we manage to have more time and space, we will inform you.**
g0v also provides different events like mini-hackathon for you to join in.
Thanks for your contribution to g0v Summit 2020, we are looking forward to meet you in the future.
Programming Task Force (Prog-TF), g0v Summit 2020
## 9/3 CfP 結果公告延期信
Subject: **【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】 議程公告時間延後 / Notification of accepted proposals delays**
Hi 各位 g0v Summit 2020 的投稿者們:
由於今年投稿數量眾多,故無法如期於八月底完成稿件審理,造成不便請多見諒。我們會在九月中前公告議程,並同時以 e-mail 進行個別通知。如有任何問題,請回信至 g0v-summit-2020-programming@googlegroups.com。
再次感謝各位對 g0v Summit 2020 的支持!
hkazami, g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
Hi all g0v Summit 2020 proposers,
Thanks again for your submission!
Since there's a great amount of proposals this year, we are not able to finish the review of proposals as previously scheduled by the end of August. We apologize for any inconvenience caused. We will announce the agenda and inform you of the acceptance of your proposal by mid-September.
If you have any questions, please send to the following e-mail address: g0v-summit-2020-programming@googlegroups.com.
Programming Task Force (Prog-TF), g0v Summit 2020
## 7/16 寄給所有投稿者的提醒(華&英)
Subject: **【g0v Summit 2020 CfP】 投稿截止,改稿繼續! / Submission ends, modification continues!**
Hi 各位 g0v Summit 2020 的投稿者們:
g0v Summit 2020 的投稿已經在 7/15 23:59 (UTC+8) 順利截止了。
🎉 感謝大家的踴躍投稿,我們共收到了 264 份,總長度 162.5 小時的稿件 🎉
😱 但今年開放公開投稿的議程總長度只有 48 小時,也就是僅 30% 的稿件接受率 😱
看到這裡,你想要回頭把稿件寫得更完善了嗎?我們已經幫你想好了:**直到 8/2 23:59 (UTC-12) 為止你的稿件都還開放修改!** 快登入投稿網站 https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/ 改稿吧!
改稿的同時也別忘了,有很多對你的稿件有興趣、有想法的朋友們已經在討論區 https://discuss.summit2020.g0v.tw/ 留言等著和你交換意見。現在討論區也新增了自動 e-mail 通知功能,只要你的稿件下有新留言,系統就會自動寄 e-mail 提醒你囉!
- 在標題或關鍵字欄位清楚定義有關於欲分享專案的關鍵字
- 講者介紹盡可能包含與 g0v 的關係、曾經參與過的專案等
- 註明欲分享的專案是否開放協作、採用何種授權、與 g0v 或 g0v 精神 (https://g0v.tw/zh-TW/manifesto.html) 的關聯
- 說明你的稿件分享適合什麼樣的受眾、什麼樣的場地
- 提供講者及專案的資料連結,若為開放協作則另提供協作連結
- 工作坊稿件需盡可能註明可能需要主辦方準備的器材及參與人數上限
- 說明工作坊與參與者互動的形式
無論實體或雲端,都期待今年和你再次於 g0v Summit 相會!
hkazami, g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
Hi all g0v Summit 2020 proposers,
The submission of g0v Summit 2020 has ended on July 15 at 23:59 (UTC+8).
🎉 Thanks for your submission, we have received 264 proposals in total, i.e. 162.5 hrs of length! 🎉
😱 But the total duration of the agenda for public proposals is only 48 hours long, which implies proposal acceptance of merely 30%! 😱
So, wanna refine your proposal now? We already thought about that: **Proposal modification continues until August 2 at 23:59 (UTC-12)!** Log in to our proposal system https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/ and start working on your proposal!
In the meantime, don't forget that there are already many people who are interested in and have replied to your proposal on the discussion forum https://discuss.summit2020.g0v.tw/ looking forward to exchanging ideas with you. Now the discussion forum has also been extended with auto e-mail notification, as soon as someone replies to your proposal, the system will remind you of that through e-mail immediately!
Also, the program committee has some tips for you to make the proposal more complete and clear:
- In the title or keyword field, clearly state the keywords about the project you will share.
- Specify if the shared project is open collaborative, which license it uses, how it is related to g0v or the spirit of g0v (https://g0v.tw/en-US/manifesto.html).
- Specify the target audience and describe the ideal space for your proposal.
- Offer the link to the project and proposer(s), and offer the link to the collaboration if the project is open collaborative.
- For workshop proposals: Specify the upper limit of the number of participants and the equipment which the organizer should prepare.
- For workshop proposals: Explain the form of interaction with participants.
Looking forward to seeing your idea on our call for proposal forum, and seeing you (or your face via video call) in December.
Programming Task Force (Prog-TF), g0v Summit 2020
稿件總時間(在 propose 數出來的):
174 * 20 mins(talk)+ 35 * 60 mins(panel)+ 10 * 90 mins(panel)+ 2* 120 mins(panel)+ 17 * 60 mins(workshop)+ 18 * 90 mins(workshop)+ 12 * 120 mins(workshop)
= 3480 + 1050 + 900 + 240 + 1020 + 1620 + 1440
= 9750 mins = **162.5 hrs**
議程總時間(參考整體規劃 spreadsheet):
4 * 3hrs(週五 4 軌,半天 CfP)+ 6 * 6hrs(週六 6 軌整天)= **48hrs**
稿件接受率(based on time):48 / 162.5 = **29.54%**
## 7/5 發給以前講者的英文版

> 原圖 - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NRNMNwAUzaXxXJuBDMIwvGUW2mcJZxDe
Subject: g0v Summit 2020 Call for Proposals extended to 7/15!
You are receiving this email because you have submitted a proposal to, or was a speaker at g0v Summit 2018. g0v Summit 2018 was better because of you. This year, we g0v Summit 2020 Working Group would like to sincerely invite you to participate again :)
The call for proposals is a bit different this year. In the spirit of open-source, we are making the process more open to the public.
**1. Submit a draft proposal before July 15.
2. Members of g0v Summit 2020 Programming Committee, as well as many g0vers will join the discussion at each proposal on the forum.
3. Modify, refine, and finish your proposal before August 2.**
Communities are where ideas are nurtured and grown into action. g0v Summit is a place where communities are celebrated, values are reaffirmed, and connections are strengthened. Join us on this journey. Looking forward to seeing your idea on our call for proposal forum, and seeing you (or your face via video call) in December.
Programming Task Force (Prog-TF), g0v Summit 2020
## 7/5 發給以前講者的中文版
還記得你曾參與或投稿以往的 g0v Summit 嗎?感謝你的參與,讓 g0v Summit 更加精彩豐富 :)
現在,我們想再次邀請你成為 g0v Summit 2020 的一份子!
### 關於 g0v Summit 2020
g0v Summit 2020 首次離開台北,於 **2020/12/3-6 在台南舉辦** 。
g0v Summit 2020 工作小組與台南在地伙伴協作一年,連結台南及鄰近縣市的 maker 社群、NGO、文化工作者、教育工作者,推出連續 4 天的黑客松、短講、主題論壇、自由對話與開放工作坊,活動場所也擴大到散佈在市區的數個會場,包含各在地社群經營多年的空間與群眾。
### 關於投稿
**7/15 - 投稿截止**
在你上傳稿件後,議程委員及 g0v Summit 的參與者,即可到投稿網站上的討論區討論、提問及留言與你互動!
**8/2 - 稿件修改截止**
在 8/2 之前,你都可以在投稿網站上持續修改你的稿件,也可以針對投稿網站上的討論,優化你的稿件內容!
更多關於 g0v Summit 2020 和瀏覽精彩的稿件,請上[投稿網站](https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/)。
g0v Summit 專注於實作者的經驗交流。我們希望聽到講者和與會者就社會問題提出解決方案,不論是分享鼓舞人心的成功案例,或是從失敗經驗中學習成長,g0v Summit 透過會場安排與議程設計,讓真誠的交流得以發生,讓動手做事的人找到更多前進的動力。
無論實體或雲端,都期待今年和你再次於 g0v Summit 相會!
hkazami, g0v Summit 2020 議程組 Programming Task Force
## mg 六月寫的版本
- mg
> \mg/ [name=bess]
g0v Summit 2020 is calling for proposals NOW! Share your work/idea on civic hacking, civic tech, social innovations, and [many other topics](https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/#submit). Remote participation is A-Okay :) Submit by June 30, then discuss with the wider community & modify your proposal by August 2. Release early, release often. It’s the g0v way.
Submit your idea here 👉 https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw 👈
If you need inspiration, you can [read other proposals](https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/proposal-list) as well as [join the discussion](https://discuss.summit2020.g0v.tw/) about each proposal.
## CfP email invitation to civic tech mailing list
> [name=ael]
> I put my draft email invitation here based on chihao’s email above
### to TICTeC
subject: Call for Proposals countdown | g0v Summit 2020 –– Civic Tech Open as Default
the openest civic tech summit you could have ever been.
(propose ideas before June 30 and refine proposals before Aug. 2)
Dear global civic hackers,
g0v Summit 2020 is calling for proposals NOW. Share your work/idea on civic hacking, civic tech, and social innovations. Remote presentation is A-Okay :) Submit by June 30, then discuss with the wider community & modify your proposal by August 2. Release early, release often. It’s the g0v way.
Submit your idea here 👉 https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw 👈
Date: Dec 3rd-6th, 2020
Location: Tainan, Taiwan & online participation (UTC+8)

> 原圖 - https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NRNMNwAUzaXxXJuBDMIwvGUW2mcJZxDe
The call for proposal is a bit different this year. In the spririt of open-source, we are making the process more open to the public. This means you
1. Submit as soon as you have a title to your session before June 30.
2. Discuss with the wider community on the forum.
3. Members of g0v Summit 2020 Programming Committee will also ask you questions on the forum.
4. Modify, refine, and finish your proposal before August 2.
Community is where ideas are nurtured and grown into action. g0v Summit is a place where communities are celebrated, values are reaffirmed, and connections are strengthened. Please join us in this journey. Looking forward to seeing your idea on our call for proposal forum, and seeing you (or your face via video call) in December.
### To some others
> Modified for some mailing lists. [name=pm5]
Subject: g0v Summit 2020 Call for Proposals ends today!
**Apologies for cross-posting**
Hello everyone,
g0v Summit 2020 is [calling for proposals](https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/) now. The CfP ends at June 30th 23:59 UTC+8. If you submit your proposal today, you get the chance to edit the content as you like until August 2nd, so don't hesitate to submit NOW if you have some work/idea on civic hacking, civic tech, and social innovations to share. Remote participation is A-Okay.
Submit your idea, or read all current proposals at https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw
Event date: Dec 3rd-6th, 2020
Location: Tainan, Taiwan, or remote participation (UTC+8)
Feel free to contact us at host@summit.g0v.tw for any questions.
**About g0v Summit**
g0v Summit is a biennial gathering focused on open government, open-source collaboration, and citizen participation. It is a high-profile event of the international open government movement. The past 3 summits have attracted speakers from 33 countries.
Almost all of g0v Summit is organized by volunteers and community contributors, preparatory documents and discussions are made public as collaborative notes. Simultaneous interpretation, sign language interpretation, and live-streaming are provided to create an easy, friendly, and inclusive environment for participation.
See our speakers in g0v Summit 2018 https://summit.g0v.tw/2018/speakers
Co-chair, g0v Summit 2020
### To some others
> Modified for some mailing lists. [name=pm5]
Subject: g0v Summit 2020 Call for Proposals extended to 7/15!
**Apologies for cross-posting**
Hello everyone,
g0v Summit 2020 [call for proposals](https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw/) deadline is extended to 7/15. Rules are the same: you can submit an idea now, and edit the proposal as you like until August 2nd. Remote participation is okay, although we may have limited slots for virtual speakers due to limits of our infrastructure. There will be simultaneous interpretation between Mandarin and English, and sign language interpretation for some of our sessions.
Submit your idea, or read the current >200 proposals at https://propose.summit2020.g0v.tw
Event date: Dec 3rd-6th, 2020
Location: Tainan, Taiwan, or remote participation (UTC+8)
See our web site for more information and past events https://summit.g0v.tw/
Feel free to contact us at host@summit.g0v.tw for any questions.
Co-chair, g0v Summit 2020