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tags: cofacts, chatgpt
# ChatGPT integration
Large language models can be helpful to human beings when they encounter internet hoax.
This document now only contains implementation detail.
Original use cases and related research has been moved to https://g0v.hackmd.io/@cofacts/rd/%2FmU8qi721RZeAQ9PDfj7XRA
## Scenario #1: point out suspicious points
For scenario #1 identified in the research document, the ChatGPT response on critical thinking of the forwarded messages are called "AI replies".
### Chatbot
When to create AI reply:
- Is text message
- Text length > 20 (?)
- No AI replies yet
Can implement a `getOrCreateAiReply(articleId)` helper function for the following scenarios.
#### After searching a message that has not been replied yet
> https://www.figma.com/proto/1tiXCGut4kNCEkDG9FTza7/LINE-Chat-UI-Template-(Community)?page-id=208%3A844&node-id=302-1236&viewport=294%2C-41%2C0.53&scaling=scale-down
- Not clear that this is AI text
- 「還沒有人回應唷。在這之前,可以參考以下 ChatGPT 的自動回應。」
- 「在真人回覆前,AI 媒體識讀小幫手 (ChatGPT) 針對這篇訊息有以下看法。」
- ✅ 「這篇文章尚待查核,請先不要相信這篇文章。機器人初步分析此篇文章有下列幾點需要特別留意:」[name=cai]
- surrounding text
- 「請先不要相信這篇文章唷」will show for images / videos, because they don't have AI response
- More call to actions on the quality of this AI generated content?
- Thumbs-up / thumbs-down feedback?
#### After submitting a new message to database
(Note: this does not apply if we decide to only generate AI replies for messages with >=2 reply requests.)
> https://www.figma.com/proto/1tiXCGut4kNCEkDG9FTza7/LINE-Chat-UI-Template-(Community)?page-id=208%3A844&node-id=339-1260&viewport=334%2C-393%2C0.53&scaling=scale-down
- Last 5 sentences are identical.
#### After voting a reply as not useful
### Site
> https://www.figma.com/file/DvmAQjMJCncuPORWKnljM1/Cofacts-LIFF-and-new-designs?node-id=5133-543&t=sml0QRW7fnGr8xfV-4
Display an extra section when all of the below is satisfied:
- An AI reply is already generated
- No (useful) replies yet
- No replies v.s. no useful replies?
- Should we still show the section if there are replies?
- Should we show them in collapsed state, like the collapsible contribution graph in user profile page?
2023/3/22 meeting:
- Pick left design (differentiate user reply & AI reply)
- Always show ChatGPT section
- Collapse when have human reply
### Elasticsearch
- No need to index / search by text
- Need to index by user ID, doc ID, etc.
#### New index: `airesponses`
- Records all AI responses; not limited to AI replies.
- Collect all AI responses in one index to better manage quota.
- May support more use cases in the future.
- Creates one `aiResponse` doc with `status=LOADING`
- In async scenarios (if there is one), users can poll `aiResponses` to get latest update
- Updates the doc by providing `text`, `usage`, `resolvedAt`.
- `docType`, `docId`: the target of this response.
- May be empty for scenario #2
- `text`: AI response
- `userId`, `appId`: the user that generated this content
- `request`: API request body
- No need to index, just for record.
- `{type: 'keyword', index: false, doc_values: false}`
- `usage`: API response of token usage
- `promptTokens`, `completionTokens`, `totalTokens`
- `status`: `LOADING` | `SUCCESS` | `ERROR`
- `createdAt`
- `resolvedAt`
#### New index: `airesponsefeedbacks`
- `aiResponseId`
- `userId`, `appId`: the user giving feedback
- `score`: 1, -1
- `comment`
- `createdAt`, `updatedAt`
- `status`: `NORMAL`, `BLOCKED`
### API
#### New `AIResponse` object type
Exposes the fields in elasticsearch index `airesponses`.
- `feedbacks`
- Arg: `statuses`
- type: `AIResponseFeedback`
- `positiveFeedbackCount`
- `negativeFeedbackCount`
#### New `AIResponseFeedback` object type
Exposes fields in elasticsearch index `airesponsefeedbacks`.
#### New mutation `createAIReply`
Generates new AI response doc that points to an article.
(If we will have other AI responses in the future, use another mutation,)
- `articleId`: `String`
- `waitForCompletion`: `Boolean`
`AIResponse` object.
#### New mutation `createOrUpdateAiResponseFeedback`
- `aiResponseId`
- `score`
- `comment`
`AiResponse` object.
#### New query `ListAIResponses`
- filter by `docType`, `docId`, `userId`, `appId` , `createdAt`, `resolvedAt`, etc
- order by `createdAt`, `resolvedAt`
#### New query `ListAIResponseFeedbacks`
- filter by `docType`, `docId`, `userId`, `appId` , `createdAt`, `resolvedAt`, etc
- order by `createdAt`, `resolvedAt`
#### `Article` object type
- New field `aiReplies`
- type: `AIResponse`
## Roadmap
### Phase 0: preparation
- [x] Elasticsearch: `airesponses`
- [x] API: `createAIReply`, `AIResponse`, `ListAIResponses`, `Article` object type
- [x] Deploy API with openai token
### Phase 1: AI reply
- [x] Chatbot: `getOrCreateAiReply(articleId)`, no-reply-yet scenario
- [x] Website: display the AI reply
### Phase 2: Feedbacks for the AI reply
- [ ] Elasticsearch: `airesponsefeedbacks`
- [ ] API: `ListAIResponseFeedbacks`, `AIResponseFeedback`
- [ ] Chatbot: Feedback card, feedback LIFF
- [ ] Website: feedback buttons
## Scenario #1 extended: Provide search keywords
As discussed on 2023/4/12, we will implement keyword first, then feedbacks for AI reply.
- Evaluation can come later, get BETA version of keywords first [name=bil]
chatbot: https://www.figma.com/proto/1tiXCGut4kNCEkDG9FTza7/LINE-Chat-UI-Template-(Community)?node-id=302-1236&scaling=scale-down&page-id=208%3A844
website: https://www.figma.com/file/DvmAQjMJCncuPORWKnljM1/Cofacts-LIFF-and-new-designs?node-id=5163-546&t=nHTu1xJbgYP5rEao-4