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# 年會網站文案
## 華文版首頁
> **g0v Summit 2024**
> 2024/5/4-5/5
> 中央研究院 人文社會科學館
> * [立刻報名](https://g0v-summit-2024.kktix.cc)
> * [贊助與媒體聯絡](media@summit.g0v.tw)
### 「公民不打烊」
[g0v.tw 台灣零時政府](https://g0v.tw)社群從 2012 年開始,在「寫程式改造社會」的號召下,形成了東亞最具規模的公民黑客社群,以資訊透明、開放成果、開放協作為核心,透過群眾草根的力量來關心公共事務。在 318 運動過後,更首度於 2014 年舉辦 [g0v Summit 零時政府雙年會](https://summit.g0v.tw/2014/)(「啥米」),促成開放社群、政府、NGO、學術圈、以及網路鄉民跨界交流。
凝聚起來的這股力量,在 2016 年政黨輪替後,以不同的形式深入各界發揮作用:公私協力、議題倡議、跨界串連,公民們的腳步沒有停下。g0v Summit 也維持每兩年舉辦一次的步調,逐步擴展規模,透過開放徵稿與邀集討論的議題也愈加深刻。到 2020 年,更連結了台南在地長期經營的 NGO、資訊技術與創客社群,進行了連續 4 天的議程。
2024 對 g0v Summit 而言是個新局面。一方面,疫情後的社群需要重新建立連結,找回各自努力與一同前進的動能;另一方面,全球情勢距離第一次 g0v Summit 已改變許多:社會極化、極權擴張、以及民主倒退的傾向在短期內或許不會有大幅改善,但我們也看到學生社群的活躍、鄰近國家公民黑客社群之間強韌的連結,以及公民團體們也更加積極地發聲與串連。
g0v Summit 2024 選擇在 2024 年 5 月台灣總統就職典禮的兩個禮拜前舉辦。在許多民主國家舉行選舉的這年,我們希望 g0v Summit 能夠繼續維持一個聚集、傾聽、尋找共同點並建立合作的場所。**改變不是請客吃飯、民主不只投票凍蒜,期許我們於選後仍不放慢參與的步伐,公民不打烊。**
### 關於 g0v
g0v 是一個草根式的公民社群,致力於加深公民對社會的貢獻以及彼此間的連結。透過 g0v 社群,你可以在這裡尋找志同道合的夥伴,以草根的方式實踐你的理念,並將成果以開放授權模式釋出,讓更多的人可以站在你的成果上接力賽跑。
將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。
### 重要日程
* 2024/3/10:投稿截止
* 2024/3/31:網站上線
* 2024/4/1:開放索票
* 2024/5/4、5/5:g0v Summit 2024
### 雙年會議程
本次年會我們規劃了五大主軸、27 個關鍵字,分別是:
1. Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理
#eID #個人資料保護 #AI科技規範 #數位平台規管 #數位性暴力 #數位主權
2. 資料、人工智慧與社群協作
#開放政府 #大數據(資料治理) #群眾外包 #地圖資料 #開放課程
3. 草根、開放、多中心的公民社群如何回應政治與科技的極權
#社群治理 #數位韌性 #公民倡議 #數位民防 #開源精神
4. 基於同理心、涵容、多元性的數位基礎建設
#網路禮儀Netiquette #CoC #數位兩極化 #數位DEI(多元共融) #數位素養
5. 技術與議題的交鋒
#SDG #社會企業 #數位轉型 #創新創業 #教育 #非營利組織
除了大會籌辦的議程外,g0v Summit 也開放完整時段的 Unconference,由參與者提案決定主題,以演講、討論、工作坊等形式創造新的協作空間。自由報名的全場「閃電講」更是開源社群傳統,開放、分享的精神貫串大會。
### 合作夥伴
> 參考[大會摺頁](https://g0v.hackmd.io/q1JA_SWwQEehIOL4_y3eOg#%E8%B4%8A%E5%8A%A9%E5%96%AE%E4%BD%8D),我先放兩個一定會有的代打。[name=RS]
* [開放文化基金會](https://ocf.tw)
* [中央研究院法律學研究所資訊法中心](https://infolaw.iias.sinica.edu.tw)
## 英文版首頁
> **g0v Summit 2024**
> May 4–5, 2024
> Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
> * [Register Now](https://g0v-summit-2024.kktix.cc)
> * [Sponsor & Press Contact](media@summit.g0v.tw)
### Citizens Never Rest
Under the call to “Code a Better Society,” the Taiwanese [g0v.tw](https://g0v.tw/intl/en/manifesto/en/) has rallied thousands of like-minded citizens since 2012, forming one of the largest civic hacking communities in Asia Pacific. Rooted in transparency, open source, and polycentric collaboration, g0v.tw community employs the power of grassroots crowds to engage with public affairs. Riding the tide of renewed interest in civic participation from [Sunflower Movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunflower_Student_Movement), the community held its first Summit in 2014, facilitating cross-sector exchanges among open source communities, NGOs, the government, academia, and netizens alike.
After the political turnover in 2016, this consolidated momentum of civic engagement continued to make impacts in different corners of the society, catalyzing public-private partnerships, interdisciplinary collaboration, or issue advocacy in general. g0v Summit had maintained its biennial presence, steadily expanding its scale with less restrictive call-for-papers and encouraging in-depth discussions. For the summit in 2020, the community managed to join forces with well-established NGOs and local geek gatherings in Tainan, hosting an extraordinary 4-day event in Taiwan’s culture capital.
The year 2024 has presented brand new challenges to both the g0v community and Summit itself. On one hand, the community already needs to rebuild our momentum after the pandemic, mending connections and motivate participants after a 4-year sedative on crowd events; on the other hand, the global situation has changed significantly since the first g0v Summit. We may not find quick cure to social polarization, authoritarian expansion, or democratic backsliding which many of us are witnessing at the moment, but we still see hope in the vigorous activities of student communities, the strong ties between civic tech communities in neighboring countries, and the firm coordination among non-profits and civic groups.
We elected to hold g0v Summit 2024 two weeks before Taiwan’s presidential inauguration in May. In a year where many democratic countries will cast their votes, we envision g0v Summit continues to serve as a place for gathering, listening, finding common grounds, and joining efforts. There is no free lunch for bringing change, just as voting itself does not bring democracy. Elections will end, but we shall not slow down our pace. **Civic engagement never rests.**
### What is g0v?
[g0v](https://g0v.tw/intl/en/) (gov-zero) is a grassroots social movement community dedicated to deepening the civic engagements and connections between the social arena and citizens. You can find like-minded partners in the g0v community, put your ideas into practice in a grassroots manner, and then release the results under an open-source license, letting people stand on your shoulders.
g0v replaces the “o” in gov with “0”, thereby reimagining the role of government from scratch, and represents the vision from 0 to 1 of the generation of digital natives.
### Important dates
* March 10, 2024: Call for proposal ends
* March 31, 2024: Conference website debuts
* April 1, 2024: Registration opens
* May 4–5, 2024: g0v Summit 2024
### Sessions
We’ve planned 5 themes and 27 keywords for g0v Summit 2024:
- **“Nerd politics” v.s. digital governance**
#eID #PersonalDataProtection #AIRegulation #DigitalPlatformRegulation #DigitalViolence #DigitalSovereignty
- **Data, AI, and community collaboration**
#OpenGovernment #BigData(DataGovernance) #Crowdsourcing #GeoData #OpenCourses
- **Grassroots, open, polycentric, and communal responses to political and technological authoritarianism**
#CommunityGovernance #DigitalResilience #CivicActivism #DigitalCivilDefence #OpenSourceSpirits
- **Digital infrastructure grounded in empathy, inclusiveness, and plurality**
#Netiquette #CoC #DigitalPolarisation #DigitalDEI (Diversity and Inclusion) #DigitalLiteracy
- **Convergence of technology and social issues**
#SDG #SocialEnterprise #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #Education #NGO
In addition to the pre-planned agenda, the conference also features a section of “unconference”, where participants can propose topics and create new spaces for collaboration through talks, discussions, and workshops. Participants can also freely sign up for “lightning talks”—a tradition from open source communities that highlights the spirit of openness and sharing.
### Sponsors
* Open Culture Foundation
* Information Law Center, Institutum Iurisprudentiae Academia Sinica
## 議程列表頁面 / Schedule
> 參考文件:講者 All-in-one 列表、[議程結構](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1H4-XxanyDrIOm9UBxqlLQg1rggWZ7QcKJX5crTy5hCk/edit?pli=1#gid=1103406242)
The first round of admitted sessions are as follows (subject to change).
* 以 Wikidata 建構多社群平台的資料共治想像 — 王文岳
* 開放國會四年回顧 — Ronny
* 開放政府資料的社群實踐 - 開放街圖台灣經驗 — Supaplex
* 打造新聞生態圈,可能挽救民主基石嗎? — HC
* OONI Research 專案與臺灣網路自由度觀察 — Toomore Chiang
* 公民科技與開源硬體的社會包容性 — Leaf Tseng
* 2024 網路民主還有可能? — chihao
* A cross between Citizen Science and Civic Tech — Mami Takesada
* Anti-misinformation factchecking chatbot: A prototype for Malaysia — Khairil Zhafri
* 服務NPO的開源社會企業,可行嗎? — Jimmy
* 今天開始測試個資查閱、刪除、停止利用權 — 冠汝
* The value of open source in furthering accessibility goals — Mike Gifford
* Misuse of Citizen Data by South Korea Government through AI and other Technologies: What Can Civil Society Do? — Interlab
* Digital Technology and Civil-Government Partnerships to Solve National Social Issues of South Korea — Junhee Jang
* Building pathways: Participatory data governance for co-generated data — Rattanmeek Kaur
* Community driven data interoperability: the case of a local government — Datasketch
* Leverage technology to amplify grassroots voices and address civic challenges. — Idris Bilyaminu Ndasadu’Lau
* Talk to the City : How LLM can Help Discriminate Consensus Illusion — Deger
* Between Nerds & Governments: Why The Sovereign Tech Fund Invests Public Money in Open Source Infrastructure — Paul
* 數位治理與性別平等:數位性暴力的法律課題 — 承慶
* 青世代數位公民-透過公民科技專案塑造未來 — Yi
* 政府為何不用公共程式?從制度思考 — Sandra、YuTin
* 公民科技貢獻者為何而來?而留?而走? — Tiff、小許、袋鼠
* 異言網:資料收集與處理經驗分享 — Ming
* g0v 公民科技專案與社群手冊 — Isabel, chewei
* 救松工作坊 — 揪松團
* 伯明翰的螺絲起子 — 小海