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title: g0v hackath59n - 第伍拾玖次輪班寫 code 救台灣黑客松
tags: hackathon, 59th, 大松
# g0v hackath59n - 第伍拾玖次輪班寫 code 救台灣黑客松
## 本次大松 hackfoldr:http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath59n

## 徵求 g0v 黑客松大使(10 位左右)
- Paul
- Ted 顥天
## 基本資訊 Info
### 時間 Date
2023/12/9 Sat.
10:00 - 17:30 GMT+8
### 地點 Venue
- **竹北市中興里集會所**
- 地址 Address:[新竹縣竹北市嘉豐南路一段 11 號](https://maps.app.goo.gl/v33aWqUDPQzSyZJj8)
- Click the link above for Google Maps direction
- 直播 Live broadcast: TBA
### :star: 場地 Wifi
* 帳號 SSID:g0v-hacakth59n
* 密碼 PWD:20231209
### 交通資訊 Transport
#### 【高鐵 High Speed Rail】
抵達 **台灣高鐵新竹站** 後,自大廳 2 號出口沿復興二路直走約 8 分鐘,至嘉豐南路一段右轉步行 1 分鐘內即可到達活動會場。
After arriving at **Taiwan High Speed Rail Hsinchu Station**, exit from Gate 2 of the main hall and walk straight along Fuxing 2nd Road for about 8 minutes. Turn right onto Jiafeng South Road Section 1 and walk for another minute to reach the event venue.
#### 【台鐵 Railway】
抵達 **台鐵六家站** 後,沿復興三路二段直走約 8 分鐘,至嘉豐南路一段右轉步行約 2 分鐘即可到達活動會場。
After arriving at Taiwan Railways Liujia Station, walk straight along Fuxing 3rd Road Section 2 for about 8 minutes. Turn right onto Jiafeng South Road Section 1 and walk for approximately 2 minutes to reach the event venue.
#### 【開車 Drive】
* **南下**
沿國道一號南下 → 在 91-竹北出口 下交流道 → 至 光明六路東一段 左轉 → 至 嘉豐南路一段 右轉,即可抵達活動會場。
* **北上**
沿國道一號北上 → 在 91-竹北出口 下交流道 → 至 光明六路東一段 右轉 → 至 嘉豐南路一段 右轉,即可抵達活動會場。
#### 【停車 Parking】

### Broadcast 即時資訊
- g0v 直播 Live streaming (Youtube): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cYgrIs0zVO4
### 聯繫溝通 Online platform
- hackfoldr: http://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-hackath59n
- FB 社團 Facebook Groups:https://www.facebook.com/groups/g0v.general/
- 聊天室 Online Chat:g0v Slack https://g0v.hackmd.io/@daisuke/ryjkbFyuS
## 報名 Register
### <font color=red>特別注意事項</font>
1. 餐點:活動將會提供小點、午餐、飲料,請自備環保餐具(杯子、餐具、餐盒),減少免洗餐具用量,感謝!
2. 票券:**疫情期間,歷經波折,請大家共同珍惜好不容易訂到的實體場地,因爲名額有限,「NO SHOW」不出席會損害其他人出席的機會,若真的不克出席,請記得到 KKTIX 取消票券,將機會讓給其他人。**
3. <font color=#D60202>無論是新手在活動中遇到困難&有問題的地方,或是**有任何活動參加者遇到騷擾&不愉快的事情,請讓揪松團知道**,揪松團職工將在活動現場穿**黃色背心**。</font>
4. 若身體不適,請在家休息,我們下次再見。
### <font color=red>Be sure to understand...</font>
1. Food: Snacks, lunch, and beverages are provided in the event. Please bring your own reusable tableware (cup, utensils, and lunch box) to minimize the use of disposable utensil.
2. Tickets: **Due to the ongoing pandemic, securing a physical venue hasn't been easy. As there are limited spots available, a "NO SHOW" takes away the opportunity for others to attend. If you can't make it, please remember to cancel your ticket on KKTIX to give someone else a chance.**
3. <font color=#D60202>Support: If you're a beginner facing difficulties or have any questions during the event, or if any participant experiences harassment or uncomfortable situations, please let the event host know. Staffs will be wearing yellow vests on-site.</font>
4. If you're not feeling well, staying at home is recommended. We hope to see you in the next event.
## 給新參者
- 放輕鬆!只要有心,人人都可找到小坑跳。
- 多數的專案都以數位形式或電腦軟體作為專案貢獻的平台,歡迎攜帶自己的電腦或平板以便參與協作!現場有插頭可以充電喲~
- 活動當天,請在報到處掛上名牌、貼技能貼紙,專案介紹後,勇敢找大家聊天吧!
- 13:40 會有一條龍專案導遊團(視當天人力而定),可跟團找坑。
## To new participants
- Relax! As long as you're pleased, you surely can find something to work on.
- Most of the project will be based on digital file format, so we recommend you to bring your laptop or tablet to get things start easily! There will be power outlet onsite.
- Please keep your name badge on you and stick the skill stickers on the badge which you can get at the registration on the day of the event. After the project pitch, don't hesitate to chat and discuss with other participants!
- At 13:40, there will be a “Newbie Tour*” to all onsite projects, where you can join the tour to understand other project well.
- Newbie Tour will be cancelled if there’s no tour guide that day.
### 更多參考資訊 Learn more about g0v
- **活動前 Before the event**
- [揪松網](https://jothon.g0v.tw/):什麼是零時政府黑客松? What's g0v hackathon?
- [成果列表](https://g0v.tw/zh-TW/project-from-registry.html):零時政府促成了哪些專案? g0v community's achievements so far
- [松前哈拉](https://beta.hackfoldr.org/g0v-jothon-community-hangout/) - **大松前夜·線上開講**:「松前哈拉」是伴著 g0v 雙月大黑客松,約兩個月舉辦一次的線上會議,在每次雙月大黑客松的前一天晚上,讓關心 g0v 的社群朋友有聚焦討論議題的機會,會議內容透過線上會議平台全程直播。來聊天!來哈拉!說說你最近關心什麼,在大黑客松想做什麼?*(↖↖↖ 詳細資訊請點上方連結)*
- **活動後 After the event**
- 有失物、失誤或任何問題,歡迎洽詢「[g0v 揪松團](https://hack.g0v.tw/about/)」或在聊天室與 g0v 社群保持聯繫。
- For lost item, complaint, or any inquire, feel free to contact the [g0v-jothon Task Force](https://hack.g0v.tw/about/) or stay in touch with the g0v community through the online chat.
## 會後問卷填寫 g0v Participation Satisfaction and Impact Survey
<font color=#D60202>如在活動中遇到任何不愉快的情況,歡迎填寫影響力問卷,匿名(或根據意願具名)回報、描述事情經過。
If you encounter any unpleasant situations during the event, please feel free to fill out the impact survey. You can report and describe what happened anonymously (or optionally provide your identity).</font>
| 中文版 | English version |師培問卷|
| ------ | -------- |---|
| https://bit.ly/0123g0vsurvey | https://forms.gle/t9CrFEHtMGQ253JBA |https://forms.gle/PiPiCQKQLichchhh7|
|  | ||
## 特別感謝 Special thanks to
- 食物贊助:
- 報到:Amanda、Paul、YC
- 直播錄影:Yutin
- 攝影:[大威](https://www.facebook.com/sav1on/)
- 主持人:Ted、Paul、ddio
- 新手導覽團:Teemo
## 主辦提醒 Notes from organizer
- 因為是租借的場地,如果寫禁止碰觸或禁止進入的地方,請大家尊重場地方,克制靈魂對自由的渴望~
- 用餐時盡量避免交談以減少接觸!
- Let's keep the hacking spirit to our projects only, not the venue's "Do Not Touch" or "No Entry" zones! Curb your inner rebel just for *today*---it's all for the greater hackathon good!
- Try to avoid conversation while eating, to minimize potential disease contact!
## 主辦單位 Organizer
|Logo | 名稱 |
|-------| ---- |
|  | [g0v 零時政府揪松團](https://jothon.g0v.tw) g0v jothon task force |
## 合作夥伴 Sponsorship or partnership
歡迎跟 g0v 揪松團洽詢合作 Contact us for sponsorship opportunities: jothon-organizers@g0v.tw
| Logo | 名稱 | 合作項目 Sponsorship |
|:------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:| ---------------------------------------------------------------- | -------- |
|  | [HackMD](https://g0v.hackmd.io/) | 指定筆記 Online Note Partner |