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tags : vTaiwan小松
# 20210120 vTaiwan 小黑客松
時間:2021/01/20 週三 19:00-21:00
地點:社會創新實驗中心 2F A9 會議室(地圖:https://goo.gl/maps/X65uN9PFXAo)
待辦事項區:[vTaiwan 待辦事項(歡迎認領工作)](https://g0v.hackpad.tw/vTaiwan--AuHFzoOJk7o)
18:30-19:00 報到 Arrival and Registration
19:00-19:15 開場、自我介紹
19:15-19:30 確認討論議程
19:30-21:00 討論&hacking
21:00-21:30 成果分享&決定下週主持人
我覺得德國的共享載具優先法(Law to Privilege Car-Sharing,Gesetz zur Bevorrechtigung des Carsharing)可能和你想研究的主題有關。可用google的翻譯功能翻譯德文內容,知悉大略內容。如果有想知道特定領域的規範,再跟我說。
德國之聲 (deutsche Welle)
The German car sharing law regulates the preferential treatment of car sharing with the aim of promoting the use of car sharing vehicles and in particular reducing the climate and environmental impacts of motorized individual traffic.
The draft law was passed by the Federal Cabinet on December 21, 2016 and discussed for the first time in the Federal Council on February 10, 2017. [1] After being forwarded to the German Bundestag, it was discussed there in the first reading on March 9, 2017 and, among other things, referred to the responsible committee for transport and digital infrastructure.
On March 29, 2017, the committee recommended the adoption of the draft law together with the amendments proposed by the committee.
The draft law was adopted in the committee version on March 30, 2017 after the second and third deliberations of the Bundestag with the votes of the CDU / CSU and SPD coalition factions, with the abstention of the opposition from Bündnis 90 / Die Grünen and Die Linke. It passed the Federal Council again on May 12, 2017, so that the adopted law was promulgated in the Federal Law Gazette on July 12, 2017 and came into force on September 1, 2019.
On April 28, 2020, an amendment to the road traffic regulations came into force, with which additional provisions were established. These stipulations were necessary so that the options specified in the law for giving priority to car sharing vehicles could be used. This includes, in particular, the definition of signs for parking spaces and labels for car sharing vehicles. [4] From the perspective of the Federal Council, however, further specifications must still be made so that the privileges can be implemented more easily.
The car sharing law defines car sharing on the one hand and enables car sharing vehicles to be given priority in public streets on the other.
Firstly, municipalities are enabled to define separate parking spaces in the public street space that may only be used by car sharing vehicles, provided that the vehicles are marked as car sharing vehicles in accordance with the law. While users of station-independent vehicles can start and end their rental on such parking spaces, the parking spaces for users of station-based systems are only suitable for intermediate parking, as the rental must be started and ended at a station of the provider.
Second, the law enables municipalities to define parking spaces on federal highways in through-town areas for the vehicles of a specific station-based car sharing provider. In this way, the provider can move its stations to the public street. The provider must meet certain eligibility criteria and be determined through a competitive selection process. The parking spaces may be used exclusively by the provider for a maximum of eight years before a new selection process has to begin.
Thirdly, municipalities are enabled to reduce parking fees for car sharing vehicles or to waive them entirely if the vehicles are marked as car sharing vehicles.
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