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tags: cofacts, google analytics, GA, GA4, universal analytics, UA
GA: UA-98468513-3
# Cofacts GA4 Migration design doc
## :globe_with_meridians: Site
- Migrate from Universal analytics to GA4 (with Google Tag Manager)
- [x] Simplify GA integration
- Remove BE ga tracking RSS endpoint calls, use nginx log instead
- Remove GA tracking ID, it can be hard coded on tagmanager side; update README and `.env.sample`
- [x] investigate difference in UA and GA4 stats
- Within error range (<5%)
- [ ] investigate if RSS's `utm_source` still work in GA4
- [x] investigate if article ID in page views can be tracked correctly
- Leverage [recommended event](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/reference/events?hl=en&client_type=gtm#view_item)
- Article detail --> `view_item` w/ article ID + each reply IDs.
- Reply detail --> `view_item` w/ reply ID only.
### `view_item` event and parameters
When viewing article or reply detail page, [`view_item` event](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/reference/events?hl=en&client_type=gtm#view_item) will be triggered when the datail page's data is loaded.
When visiting an article page, `view_item` event is fired with the following event fields:
| BigQuery field | Description | Sample |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| `items[].item_id` | Viewed article ID or reply ID in the article detail | `IfvpToYBC7Q3lHuUI-c0` |
| `items[].item_category` | type for `item_id`, can be `Article` or `Reply` | `Article` |
| `items[].item_list_name` | | `article detail` |
| `items[].item_list_id` | The article id of this detail page | `3c8bmf2taopxw` |
| `items[].item_list_index` | Only for replies in article page. Records the position of this reply at the moment, start with 0. | `0` |
When visiting a reply page, `view_item` event is fired with the following event fields:
| BigQuery field | Description | Sample |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| `items[].item_id` | Viewed reply ID of the reply detail | `IfvpToYBC7Q3lHuUI-c0` |
| `items[].item_category` | Reply detail only list reply itself | `Reply` |
| `items[].item_list_name` | | `reply detail` |
| `items[].item_list_id` | The reply id of this detail page | `IfvpToYBC7Q3lHuUI-c0` |
## :robot_face: rumors-line-bot
- LIFF: Migrate from Universal analytics to GA4 (with Google Tag Manager)
- Webhook: send events directly to BigQuery
- [x] integrate [BigQuery insert](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/docs/streaming-data-into-bigquery)
- [x] replace universal-analytics occurrences with own functions
- inside these functions we still call ua() so that we send to both BQ and GA in the sake time to verify implementation
- [x] implement tag manager for LIFF
- send both GA and GA4 using tag manager
- Same GA4 property for website
- compare GA & GA4 stats
- [ ] Monitor cost
### `view_item` event and parameters
Identical to website's article detail page.
When viewing article LIFF page, [`view_item` event](https://developers.google.com/analytics/devguides/collection/ga4/reference/events?hl=en&client_type=gtm#view_item) will be triggered when the datail page's data is loaded.
When visiting an article LIFF, `view_item` event is fired with the following event fields:
| BigQuery field | Description | Sample |
| -------- | -------- | -------- |
| `items[].item_id` | Viewed article ID, or ID of replies shown in the article detail | `IfvpToYBC7Q3lHuUI-c0` |
| `items[].item_category` | type for `item_id`, can be `Article` or `Reply` | `Article` |
| `items[].item_list_name` | | `article liff` |
| `items[].item_list_id` | The article id of this detail page | `3c8bmf2taopxw` |
| `items[].item_list_index` | Only for replies in article page. Records the position of this reply at the moment, start with 0. | `0` |
## :electric_plug: API
Goal: Retireve analytics from BigQuery
- [x] rewrite cron job tp read from BQ instead of GA reporting API
### Details of web
In universal analytics, we extract article ID from URL and content grouping. They are actually not reliable and can [cause weird stuff entering `analytics` index](https://github.com/cofacts/rumors-api/issues/298).
In GA4, rumors-site now leverages [`view_item` event](#view_item-event-and-parameters) with article ID and exposed reply IDs right from GraphQL.
This gives us:
1. Accurate view count for articles
2. Ability to calculate reply view count under each article views
:::spoiler Previous attempt
#### SQL
FROM `..._intraday_...`, UNNEST(items) AS items WHERE event_name = "view_item" LIMIT 1000
#### Result

#### `webVisit`, `webUser`
For analytics, we can just count `item_id` to get the view count of that specific article / reply.
In addition, we can also list the view count of a specific reply (in `item_id`, `item_cateogry` being `Reply`), and the view count distribution (can come from reply detail, or from different article details).
##### SQL
SELECT event_date, item_category, item_id,
count(*) as webVisit,COUNT(DISTINCT user_pseudo_id) as webUser
FROM `${GA4_DATASET}.events_*`, UNNEST (items)
WHERE event_name = 'view_item'
AND stream_id = '${GA_WEB_STREAM_ID}'
AND ${event_date condition}
group by event_date, item_category, item_id
##### Verification

Web visit & web user of SQL result matches looker studio.
Note: we cannot verify reply count because Looker Studio do not allow us to calculate event count under a certain `item_id` (we use "page path" on the screenshot above, which works foraritcle detail page).
#### `liff`
##### SQL
event_date, item_category, item_id,
collected_traffic_source.manual_source as source,
count(*) as visit, COUNT(DISTINCT user_pseudo_id) as user
) as liffObj
FROM `${GA4_DATASET}.events_*`, UNNEST (items)
WHERE event_name = 'view_item'
AND stream_id = '${GA_LIFF_STREAM_ID}' -- LIFF stream
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id, collected_traffic_source.manual_source
SELECT event_date, item_category, item_id, ARRAY_AGG(liffObj) AS liff FROM t
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id
- We should use `collected_traffic_source.manual_source` to match UA stat
- The field `collected_traffic_source` is newly added on 2023/06/05 . [Its documentation](https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7029846?hl=en#zippy=%2Ctraffic-source%2Ccollected-traffic-source) was [not there in 2023 May](https://web.archive.org/web/20230521012849/https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/7029846?hl=en).
- If we use `traffic_source.source` (cross-channel source), we will include an extra "(direct)" for `tmcheck` with exactly 1 user & 1 view count. Also, it is not populated in intra-day tables.
- To create liff array with counts inside, we must
1. first group by (event_date, item_category, item_id, source) to calculate count
2. then merge liff objects of same (event_date, item_category, item_id) into array `liff`
##### Verification

### Details of LINE bot
#### `lineUser`, `lineVisit`
##### SQL
DATE(evt.time, "${TIMEZONE}") as event_date, evt.category AS item_category, evt.label AS item_id,
count(*) as lineVisit, COUNT(DISTINCT userId) as lineUser
FROM `${LINE_BOT_EVENT_DATASET}.events`, UNNEST (events) as evt
WHERE evt.action = 'Selected'
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id
##### Verification

Note that UA contains JA bot's group usage, thus has more users. But for less popular messages the view count is somewhat consistent.
### Combined SQL
- startDate
- endDate
lineStats AS (
FORMAT_DATE("%Y%m%d", DATE(createdAt, "+08:00")) AS event_date,
evt.category AS item_category,
evt.label AS item_id,
COUNT(*) AS lineVisit,
COUNT(DISTINCT userId) AS lineUser
FROM `industrious-eye-145611.line_bot.events`, UNNEST (events) AS evt
WHERE evt.action = 'Selected'
-- Use createdAt so that BQ can select correct partition
AND createdAt >= TIMESTAMP("2023-05-10T00:00:00.000+08:00")
AND createdAt <= TIMESTAMP("2023-05-20T23:59:59.999+08:00")
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id
webStats AS (
COUNT(*) AS webVisit,
COUNT(DISTINCT user_pseudo_id) AS webUser
FROM `industrious-eye-145611.analytics_315002472.events_*`, UNNEST (items)
WHERE event_name = 'view_item' AND stream_id = '3561738274'
-- Optimize BQ table selection
AND (_table_suffix between '20230510' and '20230520' OR _table_suffix between 'intraday_20230510' and 'intraday_20230520')
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id
liffStats AS (
event_date, item_category, item_id,
collected_traffic_source.manual_source as source,
count(*) as visit, COUNT(DISTINCT user_pseudo_id) as user
) as liffObj
FROM `industrious-eye-145611.analytics_315002472.events_*`, UNNEST (items)
WHERE event_name = 'view_item'
AND stream_id = '4697477273' -- LIFF stream
-- Optimize BQ table selection
AND (_table_suffix between '20230510' and '20230520' OR _table_suffix between 'intraday_20230510' and 'intraday_20230520')
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id, collected_traffic_source.manual_source
SELECT event_date, item_category, item_id, ARRAY_AGG(liffObj) AS liff FROM t
GROUP BY event_date, item_category, item_id
event_date AS dateStr,
LOWER(item_category) AS type,
item_id AS docId,
STRUCT(lineUser, lineVisit, webUser, webVisit, liff) AS stat
FROM lineStats
FULL JOIN webStats USING (event_date, item_category, item_id)
FULL JOIN liffStats USING (event_date, item_category, item_id)
#### Notes on `_table_suffix`
It is possible that intraday tables contain 2 days.

Therefore when we do `_table_suffix` filter, we should handle both the case that has `intraday_` and no `intraday_` together.
## Analysis of LINE bot number drop
### 2203-6-16~22

Event / category that drops:
- Article / Search
- UserInput / ArticleSearch
- UserInput / MessageType
- Article / Selected
- Reply / Selected
- Group / Leave
- Group / Join
Event / category that does not drop:
- Reply / Type
- ContextProxy / Forward
- Reply / Search
- Tutorial / Step
- Article / NoReply
- Article / Create
- UserInput / IsForwarded
- UserInput / ChatWithBot
- Cronjob / Send Notification
Obsolete: UserInput/Feedback-Vote (LIFF via Tag Manager)
### 2203-5-20~6-22

Event / category that drops:
- Article / Search (15% drop)
- UserInput / ArticleSearch (11% drop)
- UserInput / MessageType (1% drop)
- Article / Selected (6% drop)
- Reply / Selected (2% drop)
- Tutorial / Step (Just by 1, omitable)
- Article / NoReply (Just by 1, omitable)
- Group / Join
- Group / Leave
Event / category that does not drop
- Reply / Search
- Reply / Type (Actually BQ has +1 more)
- ContentProxy / Forward (Actually BQ has +1 more)
- UserInput / IsForwarded (BQ Has 1% more...)
- Article / Create (BQ has 1% more...)
- UserInput / ChatWithBot
- Cronjob / Send Notification
Segment by category & message source:

Dropping combinations
- UserInput / user (just by 0.04%)
- Article / group (by 33%)
- UserInput / group (by 49%)
- Tutorial / user (just by 1)
- Reply / group (by 50%)
- Group / group (by 62%)
- Article / room (by 62%)
- UserInput / room (by 72%)
Not dropping combinations
- Article / user (BQ has 0.04% more)
- Reply / user (BQ has +2 more)
- Cronjob / user
### Focus on 6/10
Check filter alignment: if message source is user, the numbers are accurate

Group: UA > BQ


Even when category / action / label are the same, the count is still missing.
- For the same line of code, sometimes it works, but some times it's not sent.
- Only happens for group chat.
#### Matching logs
One `UserInput / ArticleSearch / ArticleFound` should match to one `console.debug('[GROUP]')`

zh log stream: 127 records

zh, en log stream: 261 records (BQ result)

zh, en, ja log stream: 401 records (UA result)

#### Conclusion
The number difference of UA and BQ is due to JA bots not updated to latest version.
- Users of EN & JA bot users almost do not use 1-1; groups are used instead
- We do remember to update EN bot to latest, but not JA bots. JA bots are not connected to BQ at all, hence the difference.