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tags: g0v-intl,採訪共筆
Parti & g0v 雙邊訪談 bilateral interview
## License
This document is licensed under CC BY 4.0 International by Parti and g0v contributors
## Suggested way of working together
- please leave your name/id when asking question
- please leave your name/id when answering
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## Parti 빠띠
* GJ> Parti is a Democracy Activists Coop(民主運動者的合作社)
* [Homepage(ENG)](http://partiunion.org/en)
* [Facebook(mostly KR)](https://https://www.facebook.com/PartiUnion/)
* [Twitter(mostly KR)](https://https://twitter.com/partiunion)
* GJ> Introduction of Parti(presentation Keynote from g0v summit 2018)
* [[script of the presentation at g0v summit 2018]](https://medium.com/parti-xyz-developers/democracy-in-our-lives-e75cd7d14979)
* [A recorded livestreaming at OGP Seoul networking day](https://www.facebook.com/PartiUnion/posts/1614411775332212)
* GJ> At parti, we share our knowledge and exprience with people to create a more democratic world. We believe digital technology promote new era of democracy.
* We do this by creating guides, for example, how to achieve better communication within your organizations, how to open petitions and campaigns through our platforms.
* We want people to participate in social issues which affect them or they are passionate about. We hope to make this fun like a party! Everything we create is open-sourced.
## g0v
- chihao> g0v is a decentralized community
- chihao> g0v has no leader
- chihao> g0v has no representative
- patcon> I will admit always being a bit confused by this self-description. I wonder if it's a language/definition thing. I understand having no _authority_, but in my understanding, every time a member of an "identity group" (which g0v is) acts in the world, it is represented to itself and outsiders. having no represenatives feels in denial of how our brains work and interact. "no representatives" vs "all representatives, but not authority" or "all humble representatives". <3
- having said that, if everyone understands that to be the case, then it's essentially true :)
- chihao> g0v and OCF is different
## Questions about Parti
### chihao> How many ppl in Parti?
* 10 ppl(full-time); GJ, Jerry, Ire, Greenhair, Sis, Ssinkj, Dali, Anne, Boyhood, Bori
* ?? ppl(full-time for [Democracy Seoul](https://democracy.seoul.go.kr)); recruiting for 2019
* Other partners(part-time) for developing(Dallos), visual designing(Charlie, Lesem), some people from our family company, [Slowalk](http://slowalk.co.kr)
### chihao> when did Parti start?
GJ> Parti was established on the 17th of October, 2015. Parti turned three yrs old in 2018!
### GJ(Parti)> How Party financially manages itself?
Dali(GJ翻译bot)> Currently, we are financing funds through the following businesses.Mainly,
1. local government grants such as operating a civil participation plaform for Seoul government
2. participating in some NPO, NGO's social impact projects.
3. consulting some organizations where want to develope their democratic communication.
* We choose projects and partners according to whether they are good experiences for us or fit our mission(democracy more; make a more democratic world)
### GJ(Parti)> (since Wagl was a previous speaker at the summit 2016, you guys may be curious of ) WAGL?
Dali(GJ翻译bot)> In 2016, Parti and Wagl used to run two projects regarding a legistration platform. Now we work independtly in pursuit of each other's direction.
### chihao> What other "civic tech" OR "democracy tech" OR "governance tech" projects OR groups are there in Korea? Is there a network or alliance among them?
GJ(Parti)> Recently I've seen new democracy activists/orgs/groups and their projects.
* a homepage which the main lead of OGP Seoul runs - [opengovlab](http://opengovlab.kr/)
* a bill(法案) shopping mall - [Tojung (FB)](https://www.facebook.com/tojung.me/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARBPo8Nu9KpuNxhHkiDiRKTiWxNLQXMNI3E72kRsRfyW4Nm-8fOzJ89ZHW7VXwJm36cgBYyTByPas7IZ&fref=mentions)
* a political social venture - [chilliphant (FB) ](https://www.facebook.com/chilliphant/?__tn__=K-R&eid=ARDarxxwOWyTsZPybP2G0XhqZHtOeR2v6sbqu54Sga_7WdbLMwaT2XTjKyt--7uTcQUQ5b4uzPSzGCcD&fref=mentions)
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## Questions about g0v
### chihao> How many ppl in g0v?
chihao> g0v doesn't have member, only contributors and participants, so there is no definite count of how many ppl
### chihao> where does the money come from?
### Dali(GJ翻译bot)> g0v memebers are not full-time, so I was wondering that How does g0v work? Also, How do you initiate and run the project?
1. We usually call ourselves “contributors” or “participants”, not members since g0v is a community, not an organization. (This is according to a [community consensus](https://g0v.hackmd.io/jg7ewPO1Sbejnpr7cdj5Lg?view))(check out `g0vernance` category here: https://g0v.hackmd.io/)
2. g0v projects gain progress when people have time to contribute to them.
3. Many g0v projects are initiated in g0v hackathons. There are the bi-monthly “big hackathons”, moe-dict hackathons, infrastructure hackathons, design hackathons, etc...
4. Now there is a g0v grant, run by jothon, to fund g0v projects
### greenhair(Parti)> What makes people become nobody? (personal idea is ok!)
I personally think that all ideas here are personal ;)
Need to think about this question before writing down any nonsense :p