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tags: summit2024
# 提案網站
> 請要協助處理英文版文案的夥伴到英文版文案協作 [name=peter]
## 中文版文案工地
### 首頁
#### g0v Summit 是啥米?
g0v Summit 台灣零時政府雙年會,兩年舉辦一次,關注公民黑客、開放政府、開源協作、公民參與等議題,是國際開放政府社群的焦點活動,過去四屆吸引多達 33 國講者投稿,每次近千名會眾參與。
受到疫情影響,2022 年停辦。明年,g0v Summit 2024 將喚醒你體內的熱血公民魂!
#### 啥米是 g0v?
g0v 是一個草根式的公民社群,致力於加深公民對社會的貢獻以及彼此間的連結。透過 g0v 社群,你可以在這裡尋找志同道合的夥伴,以草根的方式實踐你的理念,並將成果以開放授權模式釋出,讓更多的人可以站在你的成果上接力賽跑。
將 gov 以「零」替代成為 g0v,從零重新思考政府的角色,也代表數位原生世代從 0 與 1 世界的視野。
#### g0v Summit 2024 主題有啥米?
1. Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理
2. 資料、人工智慧與社群協作
3. 草根、開放、多中心的公民社群如何回應政治與科技的極權
4. 基於同理心、涵容、多元性的數位基礎建設
5. 技術與議題的交鋒
### 投稿說明
各位關注 g0v Summit 2024 的夥伴大家好! g0v Summit 2024 開始徵稿了!即日起到 2023 年 12 月 10 日,歡迎大家一起來投稿!
#### |什麼是 g0v Summit?|
g0v Summit 台灣零時政府雙年會,兩年舉辦一次,關注開放政府、開源協作、公民參與等議題,是國際開放政府社群的焦點活動,過去四屆吸引多達 33 國講者投稿,每次近千名會眾參與。
g0v 雙年會大部份由社群貢獻者志願籌辦,大會籌備的討論文件皆以共筆形式公開。議程的內容與審議秉持開放、協作精神,鼓勵會眾協作議程文字紀錄,大會亦備有即時口譯、手譯及影像直播,盡力創造一個輕鬆、多元、友善的參與環境。議程除了大會籌辦,也開放完整時段的「開放工作坊」(Unconference),由參與者提案決定主題,以演講、討論、工作坊等形式創造新的協作空間。自由報名的全場「閃電講」更是開源社群傳統,開放、分享的精神貫串大會。
#### | g0v Summit 2024|
日期:2024 年 5 月 4 日(六)、5 月 5 日(日)
我們規劃了五大主軸,並且從這五大主軸出發,規劃 27 個關鍵字。分別是
- Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理:
#eID #個人資料保護 #AI科技規範 #數位平台規管 #數位性暴力 #數位主權
- 資料、人工智慧與社群協作:
#開放政府 #大數據(資料治理) #群眾外包 #地圖資料 #開放課程
- 草根、開放、多中心的公民社群如何回應政治與科技的極權:
#社群治理 #數位韌性 #公民倡議 #數位民防 #開源精神
- 基於同理心、涵容、多元性的數位基礎建設:
#網路禮儀Netiquette #CoC #數位兩極化 #數位DEI(多元共融) #數位素養
- 技術與議題的交鋒:
#SDG #社會企業 #數位轉型 #創新創業 #教育 #非營利組織
> [name=ael] 登入前必須要看到以下資訊
> [name=ael] 議程組想要看到怎樣的提案?畢竟這不該是學術研討會。而是大家交流的地方。像是鼓勵專案介紹?鼓勵失敗經驗?鼓勵多人合作?鼓勵心得分享?鼓勵相關研究?鼓勵實戰經驗?投稿說明也可以說已經有社群軌了。
#### |投稿形式|
- 演講(talk):30 分鐘
- 適合單一主題/專案深入分享
- 主題論壇(panel discussion): 90 分鐘
- 適合邀請背景不同的人對談
- 工作坊(workshop): 30, 60 或 90 分鐘。限線下實體參與
- 適合跟大家一起現場動手做
~~#### |g0v Summit 希望有什麼樣的投稿?|~~
> [name=chihao] 我覺得 summit(社群)一直都是鼓勵分享做了什麼,所以我自己不想看到來討論議題的議程 XD
> [name=ael] 我不想要變成學術研究討論會,要有參與精神的。即便是政策討論,希望要有公民開放參與精神。我很希望是實作交流。
> [name=ael] 這邊還是要看議程委員啦
> [name=ddio] 等所有議程委員都有共識再加進去
> [name=ichieh]
> - 公益價值:
> - 開放參與:過程有更多人能參與,不只是閉門會議
> - 實作經驗:有開始實作與進度,不只是研究或趨勢觀察
> - 公民社群:每個人的音量相同,無論是學生或是大神,不只是期待英雄
> - 在地應用:與台灣 ~~
#### |講個秘訣:如何開始寫提案?|
- 你有正在參與的公民科技專案嗎?來分享吧!
- 你有曾經參與但失敗的專案嗎?來分享吧!
- 想要把同領域但平常各忙各的人,湊在一起分享經驗?來辦主題論壇吧!
- 想找人對談不知道找誰?也可以先公開提案再一起組隊!
- 想要實驗有趣的工作坊形式嗎?
1. 先[提案](https://summit2024.g0v.tw/brd/2024/)
2. 2023 年 12 月 10 日前,用提案連結分享想法,跟社群一起協作慢慢修改
3. 加入 g0v Slack 跟社群一起討論:
任何問題歡迎聯絡 g0v Summit 議程組:
#### |g0v Summit 議程組如何決定議程?|
1. 上傳的提案內容(不含個資),將會公開在提案網站上,開放社群留言討論。
2. 上傳提案後,到 2023 年 12 月 10 日前,提案者都可以隨時登入更改。歡迎 release early, release often,帶著你的提案草稿跟更多社群夥伴腦力激盪有趣的議程!
由五位 g0v 社群參與者擔任議程委員決議,預計於 2024 年 2 月以前通知入選議程。
g0v Summit 活動當天也會有開放工作坊(Unconference)的時段,任何人都可以現場提案議程,歡迎帶著你的提案現場加入。
g0v 社群有無數不同的專案、社群、議題討論。因此在 g0v Summit 中,將保留一軌議程,讓社群專案坑主主導,(參戰社群名單 coming soon)
#### |表單的資訊結構|
表單將收集您的投稿主題、內容說明、與 g0v Summit 2024 之關聯性、議程使用語言、方便與會日期等投稿相關資訊,以及電子郵件、姓名、稱呼等投稿者資訊。接著則會依照活動形式之不同分派到不同的表單段落,調查不同活動形式的細節資訊。
### 個資說明
g0v Summit 2024 個人資料蒐集、處理及利用同意書
g0v 社群 CoC (Code of Conduct): https://g0v.tw/coc/
機關單位名稱:g0v Summit 2024 籌備團隊
蒐集之特定目的:g0v Summit 籌備與宣傳使用
期間:g0v Summit 2024 及未來 g0v Summit 籌備期間 (籌備時間認定為該屆總召確認當日起,至活動結束後 30 天內)
對象:自願填寫「g0v Summit 2024 Call for Paper」表單者
依個人資料保護法第 3 條規定,當事人可行使以下權利:
依個人資料保護法第 14 條規定,當事人得查詢或請求閱覽個人資料或製給複製本。
若遇行使第 5 及 6 條權利,請寫信至 host[at]summit.g0v.tw ,本團隊將依法進行回覆。
### 投稿頁面
#### g0v Summit 2024 雙年會
報名期間:台灣時間 2023 年 9 月 10 日 06:00 至 12 月 10 日 23:59 止
g0v Summit 2024 議程包含以下五大主軸:
Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理:
eID / 個人資料保護 / AI 科技規範 / 數位平台規管 / 數位性暴力 / 數位主權
開放政府 / 大數據(資料治理) / 群眾外包 / 地圖資料 / 開放課程
社群治理 / 數位韌性 / 公民倡議 / 數位民防 / 開源精神
網路禮儀 Netiquette / CoC / 數位兩極化 / 數位 DEI(多元共融)/ 數位素養
SDG / 社會企業 / 數位轉型 / 創新創業 / 教育 / 非營利組織
#### 講者資訊
- 您的電子郵件*(不公開)
- 您的服務單位與職稱*(公開)
- 我們應該如何稱呼您*(公開)
- 是否有服務單位 / 組織 / 社群的相關連結或社群帳號希望提供*
- 請簡述您所具有之多元特質*(不公開)
`包括但不限於性別、年齡、種族、職業、居住區域,足以讓 g0v Summit 呈現更多元的觀點,促進平等與共融。若無則填寫無即可`
#### 投稿議程(公開提案)
請選擇與你投稿內容相關連之 g0v Summit 2024 主軸*
- [ ] Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理
- [ ] 資料、人工智慧與社群協作
- [ ] 草根、開放、多中心的公民社群如何回應政治與科技的極權
- [ ] 基於同理心、涵容、多元性的數位基礎建設
- [ ] 技術與議題的交鋒
請選擇與你投稿內容相關連之 g0v Summit 2024 之關鍵字
**Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理**
- [ ] eID
- [ ] 個人資料保護
- [ ] AI 科技規範
- [ ] 數位平台規管
- [ ] 數位性暴力
- [ ] 數位主權
- [ ] 開放政府
- [ ] 大數據(資料治理)
- [ ] 群眾外包
- [ ] 地圖資料
- [ ] 開放課程
- [ ] 社群治理
- [ ] 數位韌性
- [ ] 公民倡議
- [ ] 數位民防
- [ ] 開源精神
- [ ] 網路禮儀
- [ ] CoC
- [ ] 數位兩極化
- [ ] 數位 DEI(多元共融)
- [ ] 數位素養
- [ ] SDG
- [ ] 社會企業
- [ ] 數位轉型
- [ ] 創新創業
- [ ] 教育
- [ ] 非營利組織
- [ ] 華語
- [ ] 英語
- [ ] 其它
- [ ] 演講
- [ ] 主題論壇
- [ ] 工作坊
> [name=ael] 目前是活動形式點選下拉選單後會分別出現以下問題
- 參加形式*
- [ ] 現場參與
- [ ] 線上參與
- [ ] 預錄影片
- 講者名稱*
- [ ] 同投稿者
- [ ] 其它
- 參加形式*
- [ ] 現場參與
- [ ] 線上參與
- [ ] 預錄影片
- 講者1稱呼*
- 講者1服務單位與職稱*
- 講者2稱呼*
- 講者2服務單位與職稱*
- 講者3稱呼*
- 講者3服務單位與職稱*
- 備註
> ###### TBC
> [name=ael] 主題論壇這邊,應該講者 3 不能列為必填,除非要求一定要有超過三位講者?
- 參加形式*
- [ ] 現場參與
- [ ] 線上參與
- 講者名稱*
- [ ] 同投稿者
- [ ] 其它
- 請告知工作坊的時長*
- [ ] 30 分鐘
- [ ] 60 分鐘
- [ ] 90 分鐘
- 請簡述這個工作坊的活動流程*
- 請告知工作坊的適合人數區間*
- 請告知會需要主辦單位準備之器材*
> [name=ael] 我以為工作坊不能是線上的?
#### 其他事項(不公開之個人資訊)
- [ ] 5/4(週六)上午
- [ ] 5/4(週六)下午
- [ ] 5/5(週日)上午
- [ ] 5/5(週日)下午
- [ ] 是
- [ ] 否
您是從哪裡得到 g0v Summit 2024 相關資訊的*
- [ ] Facebook
- [ ] X (Twitter)
- [ ] Instagram
- [ ] g0v.social
- [ ] 其他社群夥伴或專案
- [ ] g0v Slack
- [ ] g0v 官網
- [ ] 親友告知
- [ ] 其他網路資源
- [ ] 其他
其他想對 g0v Summit 2024 說的話
`任何問題也可以寫信至 program[a]summit.g0v.tw`
#### 個資收集與社群守則(CoC)
g0v 社群 CoC (Code of Conduct): https://g0v.tw/coc/
機關單位名稱:g0v Summit 2024 籌備團隊
蒐集之特定目的:g0v Summit 籌備與宣傳使用
期間:g0v Summit 2024 及未來 g0v Summit 籌備期間 (籌備時間認定為該屆總召確認當日起,至活動結束後30天內)
對象:自願填寫「g0v Summit 2024 Call for Paper」表單者
若遇行使第5及6條權利,請寫信至 host[at]summit.g0v.tw ,本團隊將依法進行回覆。
- [ ] 是
- [ ] 是
* 送件後案件將公開展示。機敏欄位則保持隱藏。
## 英文版文案工地
英文文案審稿負責人: ael
期限: Sep. 29, 2023
### Frontpage
> https://summit2024.g0v.tw/en
#### What is g0v Summit?
g0v Summit is a biennial gathering in Taiwan that focuses on civic hacking, open government, open-source collaboration, and citizen participation. It is a major international event in the open government community and attracted speakers from up to 33 countries in the last four editions, with nearly a thousand of attendees each time.
In 2022, the g0v Summit was cancelled due to the pandemic. However, the wait is over. In the coming year, g0v Summit 2024 will rekindle your passion for civic activism!
#### What is g0v?
g0v is a grassroots social movement community dedicated to deepening the civic engagements and connections between the social arena and citizens. You can find like-minded partners in the g0v community, put your ideas into practice in a grassroots manner, and then release the results under an open-source license, letting people stand on your shoulders.
g0v replaces the "o" in gov with "0", thereby reimagining the role of government from scratch, and represents the vision from 0 to 1 of the generation of digital natives.
> [name=ael] strange to claim that the civic hacking is from 2012
> [name=skyler?]The civic hacking movement[ could be traced back to the 1960s.](https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/epub/10.1177/1461444816629469)
> [name=pm5] I updated the Mandarin version along with the English translation based on contents in https://g0v.tw/
[Learn more](https://g0v.tw/intl/en/)
**What are the themes of g0v Summit 2024?**
- “Nerd politics” v.s. digital governance
- Data, AI, and community collaboration
- Grassroots, open, polycentric, and communal responses to political and technological authoritarianism
- Digital infrastructure grounded in empathy, inclusiveness, and plurality
- Convergence of technology and social issues
### About Call For Proposal
> "About Call For Paper" button in https://summit2024.g0v.tw/en
Hello to civic hackers! g0v Summit 2024 is now open for proposing ideas!
#### |What is g0v Summit?|
g0v Summit is a biennial gathering in Taiwan that focuses on civic hacking, open government, open-source collaboration, and citizen participation. It is a major international event in the open government community and attracted speakers from up to 33 countries in the last four editions, with nearly a thousand of attendees each time.
Most of the g0v Summits are held by community contributors, and the content of the discussion and preparation for the conference are opened as collaborative documents. The agenda and content of events adhere to an open and collaborative spirit, encouraging the audience to collaborate on taking notes and transcripts in real-time. The conference also features simultaneous interpretion and live video streaming, endeavoring to create a relaxed, diverse, and friendly environment for participation. In addition to the pre-planned agenda, the conference also features a section of "unconference", where participants can propose topics and create new spaces for collaboration through talks, discussions, and workshops. Participants can also freely sign up for “lightning talks” -- a tradition from open source communities that highlights the spirit of openness and sharing.
Note: The default simultaneous interpreting service is between Mandarin and English.
#### | g0v Summit 2024|
- Date: May 4th-5th, 2024
- Location: Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan
- [Call for Proposal](https://summit2024.g0v.tw/brd/2024/) deadline: 11:59 pm, **December 10th, 2023 UTC+8**
> [name=ael] I changed the data and time to
> 1. Highlight Taipei as foreigners coming will not check the building unless they are sure they are going
> 2. Avoid misunderstanding because of the date format. Less confusion if we specify the month in English spelling. The following are the same date: 05/04/2024 (USA), 04/05/2024 (UK, Europe, HK).
**Themes and keywords of g0v Summit 2024**
- **“Nerd politics” v.s. digital governance**
#eID #PersonalDataProtection #AIRegulation #DigitalPlatformRegulation #DigitalViolence #DigitalSovereignty
- **Data, AI, and community collaboration**
#OpenGovernment #BigData(DataGovernance) #Crowdsourcing #GeoData #OpenCourses
- **Grassroots, open, polycentric, and communal responses to political and technological authoritarianism**
#CommunityGovernance #DigitalResilience #CivicActivism #DigitalCivilDefence #OpenSourceSpirits
- **Digital infrastructure grounded in empathy, inclusiveness, and plurality**
#Netiquette #CoC #DigitalPolarisation #DigitalDEI (Diversity and Inclusion) #DigitalLiteracy
- **Convergence of technology and social issues**
#SDG #SocialEnterprise #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #Education #NGO
#### |Session format|
- Talk: 30 min
- Share your project!
- Panel discussion: 90 min
- Curate conversations across diverse perspectives!
- Workshop: 30, 60, or 90 min (offline only)
- Co-create with the community by hands-on activities!
#### |How to start a proposal?|
- Are you working on a civic tech project? Come and share it!
- Any reflections on past success or failure? Come and share them!
- Got a group of experts in the same field that are too busy to meet? Propose a panel discussion!
- Want to discuss a subject but don't know with whom? Propose a talk and find co-speakers from the community!
- Have an exciting new format for workshops that you want to try out?
1. Sumbit a draft proposal at the [proposal portal](https://summit2024.g0v.tw/brd/2024/).
2. Share the link to your draft, and iterate on the proposal with feedbacks from community until **December 10th, 2023**.
3. Join g0v Slack for more discussion:
For any question, feel free to contact the Program Committee:
#### |How will the sessions be selected?|
**Call for Proposal**
Phase 1: Proposals for public reviews and community discussion
1. The content of the submitted proposals (excluding personal information) will be made publicly available on the [proposal portal]((https://summit2024.g0v.tw/brd/2024/)) for community comments and discussions.
2. After submitting the proposal, proposers can log in and make changes anytime until **December 10, 2023**. We encourage you to "release early, release often" and engage with more community partners to brainstorm interesting agendas for your proposal!
Don't hesitate to put your ideas out there and co-create your session proposals with the community!
Proposal portal: https://summit2024.g0v.tw/brd/2024/
Phase 2: Committee's decision
The Program Committee is comprised of five g0v contributors. The results of Call for Proposal is set to be released before February 2024.
**Community Track**
There will be one community track curated by several independent g0v projects. Details are coming out soon.
> **Unconference**
#### |Data collection|
The Call for Proposal form will collect information of your submission, such as the session's title, session's description, relevance to g0v Summit 2024, the presenting language, and preferred dates to present.*
Depending on the format of sessions (talk, panel discussion, or workshop), you will be assigned to different form sections to investigate the details of the different formats of the sessions.
Besides the public displayed information, the form will also collect personal information such as your name and email in order to contact you.
#### |Contact us|
If there is any question regarding to Call for Proposal, please contact
> 提案會公開讓所有人看到,可以在截止日期前都可以隨時修改
> 截止期限:幾點?(建議是全球任何地方最後一天)
> - 用If there is any question...作為開頭也許會比較委婉[name=Skyler]
### Agreement of g0v Summit 2024 personal data collection, process and usage
> "About Personal Data Collection" button in https://summit2024.g0v.tw/en
The link is g0v Code of Conduct: https://g0v.tw/coc/en
The following information is provided in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and rules enacted in Taiwan.
Agency: g0v Summit 2024 workgroup
Purpose: Preparation and promotion of g0v Summit
Collected Items: Name and E-mail
The time, area, people, and mechanism of usage:
Time: During the preparation of g0v Summit 2024 and g0v Summits in the future.
Area: Taiwan
People applied: people who voluntarily fill this form.
Mechanism: collection, processing, usage.
According to the Article 3rd of Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following requests:
To check or review the collected data.
To receive a photocopy of the collected data.
To supplement or revise the collected data.
To cease the collection, processing or use of the collected data.
To delete the collected data.
According to the Article 14th of Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following requests:
To check or review the collected data.
To receive a photocopy of the collected data.
If you want to make requests according to the Article 5th and 6th, please send a mail to host[at]summit.g0v.tw . We will reply to you in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and rules enacted in Taiwan.
## Application page

g0v Summit 2024
Proposal portal
g0v Summit is a biennial conference in Taiwan. It is a crucial event for the international open government community, focusing on issues such as open government, open-source collaboration, and civic engagement. Join us on May 4-5, 2024 in Taiwan!
Call for Proposal deadline: **December 10th, 2023**
(Your submitted proposal will be shown below for community discussion)
[Start my proposal]
[My projects]
### g0v Summit 2024 Call for Proposal
Proposal portal open: 6:00 am, Sep. 10, 2023 - 23:59 Dec. 10, 2023 (UTC+8 Taipei Time)
All boxes marked with* are required.
#### Speaker profile
Your email address (private)*
`How we may contact you.`
Your affiliation and role (public)*
`Showed as your public profile.`
How should we address you on our website? (public))
`Showed as your public profile. It can be your ID, name or alias.`
Any links of your affiliation/organization/community/social media you would like to attach? (public)
`Showed as your public profile.`
> [name=ael] 到時候會有 speaker bio 的欄位嗎?
Please briefly describe the diversity of your traits (private)
`Including but not limited to gender, age, race, occupation, and geographic location, which can contribute to showcasing a more diverse range of perspectives at the g0v Summit, in order to fostering equality and inclusion. If none, please indicate "none"`
#### Session proposal
Session title(Mandarin)
`max 20 words`
Session title (English)*
`max 20 words`
Session Description (Mandarin)
`max 200 words`
Session Description (English)*
`max 200 words`
Please select themes related to your proposal for g0v Summit 2024
- [ ] “Nerd politics” versus digital governance
- [ ] Data, AI, and community collaboration
- [ ] Grassroots, open, polycentric, and communal response to political and technological authoritarianism
- [ ] Digital infrastructure grounded in empathy, inclusiveness, and plurality
- [ ] Convergence of technology and social issues
Please select keywords related to your proposal for g0v Summit 2024
- **“Nerd politics” v.s. digital governance**
#eID #PersonalDataProtection #AIRegulation #DigitalPlatformRegulation #DigitalViolence #DigitalSovereignty
- **Data, AI, and community collaboration**
#OpenGovernment #BigData(DataGovernance) #Crowdsourcing #GeoData #OpenCourses
- **Grassroota, open, polycentric, and civic communal response to political and technological authoritarianism**
#CommunityGovernance #DigitalResilience #CivicActivism #DigitalCivilDefence #OpenSourceSpirits
- **Digital infrastructure grounded in empathy, inclusiveness, and plurality**
#Netiquette #CoC #DigitalPolarisation #DigitalDEI (Diversity and Inclusion) #DigitalLiteracy
- **Convergence of technology and social issues**
#SDG #SocialEnterprise #DigitalTransformation #Innovation #Education #NGO
> [name=ael] 我有改了 keywords 的英文翻譯,application page 這邊也需要改
Format of the session
- [ ] Talk (30 min)
- [ ] Panel Discussion (90 min)
- [ ] Workshop (30, 60 or 90 min)
Language of the session
- [ ] Mandarin (Taiwan)
- [ ] English
- [ ] Other
> [name=ael] The following are for the texts showed after the session format is selected.
#### Talk
Format to participate*
- [ ] On-site participation
- [ ] Online participation
- [ ] Pre-recorded video
#### Panel discussion
Format to participate*
- [ ] On-site participation
- [ ] Online participation
- [ ] Pre-recorded video
Name of Speaker 1*
Affiliation and role of Speaker 1*
Name of Speaker 2*
Affiliation and role of Speaker 2*
Name of Speaker 3*
Affiliation and role of Speaker 3*
*If there are more than three speakers, please provide the names, affiliations, and roles of the other speakers here*
#### Workshop
Format to participate*
- [ ] On-site participation
- [ ] Online participation
Name of the speaker*
- [ ] Same as the presenter
- [ ] Other
Please select the duration time of the workshop*
- [ ] 30 minutes
- [ ] 60 mintues
- [ ] 90 minutes
Please briefly introduce the design of the workshop*
`max 500 words`
Please indicate the suitable number of participants of the workshop*
Please inform the equipments and materials you need*
`The venue will provide at least a projector, a screen, and microphones for every workshop. Other equipments are not guaranteed.`
#### Logistics (private)
Time you may attend
- [ ] May 4th(Sat.) morning
- [ ] May 4th(Sat.) afternoon
- [ ] May 5th(Sun.) morning
- [ ] May 5th(Sun.) afternoon
Do you need assistance with your visa
- [ ] Yes
- [ ] No
Where did you learn about g0v Summit 2024?
- [ ] Facebook
- [ ] X (formerly Twitter)
- [ ] Instagram
- [ ] g0v.social
- [ ] other projects or community
- [ ] g0v slack
- [ ] g0v website
- [ ] Family and friends
- [ ] Other online sources
- [ ] Other
Any other words to g0v Summit 2024?
`If you have any questions, you can also write to program[a]summit.g0v.tw`
> [name=ael] 這個問題的回答是會顯示出來的嗎?
`* Once submitted, your proposal will be displayed for public reviews except for private personal info fields. You can iterate your proposal anytime before Dec. 10, 2023`
#### Data Collection Agreement and Code of Conduct
The link is g0v Code of Conduct: https://g0v.tw/coc/en
The following information is provided in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and rules enacted in Taiwan.
Agency: g0v Summit 2024 workgroup
Purpose: Preparation and promotion of g0v Summit
Collected Items: Name and E-mail
The time, area, people, and mechanism of usage:
Time: Preparation time of g0v Summit 2024 and Summit in the future.
Area: Taiwan
People applied: people who voluntarily fill this form.
Mechanism: collection, processing, usage.
According to the Article 3rd of Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following requests:
To check or review the collected data.
To receive a photocopy of the collected data.
To supplement or revise the collected data.
To cease the collection, processing or use of the collected data.
To delete the collected data.
According to the Article 14th of Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following requests:
To check or review the collected data.
To receive a photocopy of the collected data.
If you want to make requests according to the Article 5th and 6th, please send a mail to host[at]summit.g0v.tw . We will reply to you in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and rules enacted in Taiwan.
*I have finished reading and accept the information
- [ ] Yes
I'm aware and will not using any shortened URLs in any field on this form
- [ ] Yes
`Once submitted, your proposal will be public on the proposal portal for community review, except for sensitive personal data.
You can iterate your proposals until 11:59 pm, Dec. 10, 2023 (UTC+).`
### Privacy Policy
- Data Collection
**When** you use this service,this service will automatically collect and store the data generated from your interaction with this service. **It will include the term you search**, your browsing history on this site, the link you click, the device you use, and your location information, etc.
- Personal Information
We also keep the **personal** information **you provided when registering for this service**, including your email address as your account, your preferred display name, and store them in your personal account.
Suppose you sign in with 3rd party services such as Facebook or Google. In that case, we will also retrieve **and store basic information these services provide**, including your preferred avatar, which could be collected **when manually uploading it to the settings page**.
When you contact us, we will **keep a record of your contact content** to **assist you in resolving any issues and as a basis for future interactions**.
Additionally, this service will **automatically encrypt your password with enough strength** before we store it in the database. Thus, we will never know your password **and won't worry about it being stolen**.
- Other Data
Based on the features of this service, we collect and store data you directly upload, including texts and files such as images, documents, audio or videos.
These data are usually uploaded to an organizational entity and will be accessible to administrators and viewers designated by that organization with permissions.
- Personal Information
In addition to email, your display name will be visible to others along with your public assets. Including your profile, occupation, tags, account thumbnail, and more.
(除了 email ,您的個人資訊將會用來展示、以供其它用戶對您建立基本的瞭解,包含您的自我簡介、職業、標籤、帳戶縮圖等等項目。)
- Cookies
The cookie will be used to identify your account and improve the quality of this service to reduce unnecessary reminders and questions. Also, to enhance the experience of using the service, when you visit this service next time, it will remember who you are and your settings as a default.
(Cookie 將被用於識別您的身份與一些基本的活動,以減少不必要的提醒、問題,以改善服務的使用體驗。)
- Data Deletion
You can contact us directly to request data deletion. The data that will be deleted include your account, all your personal information, and data from social websites such as Facebook if you use a social login.
To delete your data, please follow the below steps:
1. Contact us by email with your sign-up email as the sender.
2. State that you want your data deleted in the mail, providing your email, user ID, or anything that can help to identify you as the user.
3. Once we receive your mail, we will respond within three days and delete all your data.
Please note that once you provide your data to a specific organization, it's beyond our reach since they can download and keep all your data elsewhere. In this case, don't hesitate to contact the corresponding organization for data deletion instead.
Additionally, we do backup our service daily, and all backups will be kept for 180 days, so after we remove all your data from our online service, your data stored in the backup will also be removed after 180 days automatically.
- Modification
This privacy policy is likely to be updated frequently in the future.
Suppose an update of this privacy policy is made. In that case, there will be a notification for you when you access this service, and the update will also be published here on this page. Modification history will also be available as a link on this page. You can check each revision of our privacy policy at any time.
### Term of Use
- Modification
We may modify these terms to reflect changes to laws or this service. When we modify it, we will publish it here, and a notification of the update will be available when you access this website after the update.
Changes will become effective no sooner than 14 days after published unless those changes address new functions of their service or changes for legal reasons.
Additional terms (if available) will control for the conflict if there is a conflict between these terms and the other terms.
If it turns out that a particular term is not enforceable, this will not affect any other terms.
If you do not comply with these terms and we don't take action right away, this doesn't mean that we are giving up any rights that we may have (such as taking action in the future).
- Liability
- Applicable of Law
These terms shall be governed by and construed following the laws of R.O.C (Taiwan) and subject to the exclusive jurisdiction of the courts in Taipei, Republic of China.
> [name=ael] 這個隱私說明是在哪裡的?
## 20230925 回報區
- [ ] Grantdash 提案頁


> [name=ael]
- 現在是中英文的名稱都必填,然後中文內容必填。這對不懂中文的外國人來說會直接跳出,對台灣人不諳英文的心理壓力也非常高。不太確定要怎樣設計比較好。往年是選上之後開放讓執行團隊翻譯,或是講者自己補上。建議是讓選擇演講的語言順序往前放,然後再開放選填,要防呆的話可以確保二選一至少要有一格有填才能送出,或是一開始先只有語言(中、英、其他),然後標題和內容,之後多語言再切開來展示。
- 如果要語言友善的話,建議中英文版關於勾選語言這一題,可以加註會場全場只會提供中英口譯,不過單場語言翻譯可以詢問講者希望的方式。(之前 Summit 有處理過單場台灣華語、英語、中國手語、台灣手語。不過我希望這次也許會有台語、客語、原住民語的演講?)
- 表單裡面沒有明確區分會保護的個資和會公開展示在網站上的提案內容(裡面找不到任何地方告知說會提案內容會在選中之前就公開上網),建議先放公開提案的 section ,然後把個人資料填答整理在後面,並且用非常明顯的視覺標示出這些是個資的範圍,個資相關的條款放在那一區,不然已經辛辛苦苦登入來看到底要填什麼,還要先看落落長的個資條款,只是增加大家理解提案怎麼運作的門檻。
- 有 session format 可以選,但是看不到時間長度。通常 panel discussion, talk, workshops 時間長度可能會不同?以及對於新手來說,中英文可能都需要解釋這三種形式指的是什麼,以及期待。
- 建議有文字內容說明希望看到什麼方向的提案,例如互動性高的?panel 可以先提案之後再找跨域合作?實用分享?失敗經驗也沒關係?鼓勵先提案之後分享找更多人腦力激盪?g0v Summit 2020 之前的 CfP 頁面蠻值得參考的(一時之間找不到,也許 @chihao 知道在哪?)
- 五大主題可能需要再解釋一下...技術與議題的交鋒看中文我不太確定是要談什麼
- 建議提案字數上限可以到 250 字(以我的經驗,如果是多人 panel 要加上大家的 title 和 url 可能字數會有點擠)
- 時間格式至少英文建議調整成英文月份+數字,不然不同地區簡寫有時是月份在前,有時是月份在後。建議之後所有英文露出,日期都用 May 4th, 2024 的格式
- 建議所有媒體露出,英文都是寫 g0v Summit 2024,中文是 2024 年 g0v 零時政府高峰會?目前中文版只寫 Summit 2024 可能會讓人混淆不確定是什麼。
## 20230909 放輕松測試回報區
- 目前網站在 http://summit2024.g0v.tw/
### 目前發現的問題:
#### Summit 官網:
- [x] g0v Summit 2024 英文的全名是 "g0v Summit 2024",S 大寫

> [name=seangau] fixed, thanks pm5's PR
- [x] android 版本的chrome edge FireFox/ Apple safari /寫點啥米出不來
- [x] 官網英文版「寫點啥米」會消失

> [name=seangau] 上面兩個不顯示是故意的,沒有功能又很占版面,功能做好後要重新規劃一下設計
#### grantdash 投稿網站:
- [x] grantdash 後台的剩餘時間要調整成距離截止日92天。

> [name=seangau] 自動抓時間的,進入CFP階段後會自己變
- [x] 用自己的 email signup 時,signup 會出現一個 oops 錯誤訊息,但還是 signup 成功,可以用新帳號登入
> [name=seangau] fixed, thanks Kirby
- [x] 手機版本無法用Google登入/註冊會被封鎖存取權
> [name=seangau] fixed, thanks Kirby
- [x] grantdash 目前會對「所有使用者」顯示主控台、進階功能:評審頁面、管理頁面

> [name=seangau] 先隱藏,應該可以根據權限顯示
- [x] 若使用者要投稿一次以上時,一旦上傳第一個投稿後,第二次投稿時會跳回到第一個投稿的資料頁面
> [name=seangau] Kirby 說是因為現在限定1個所以才會自動跳轉,要討論是否限制單一帳號投件數量
- [x] 提案討論區如果文字太長的話會超出討論區格子
> [name=seangau] 應該是 fixed??
- [x] 提案列表的圖片要不要拿掉:

- [x] 議程委員選擇提案(在Grant dash 上選擇提案),可以匯出資料
檔案格式:JSON 檔案 / CSV 檔案
> [name=seangau] 既有功能,之後開權限
- [ ] 排議程的操作:要看 Grant dash 的功能而定。
> [name=seangau] TBD
- 網站英文版的五大主軸更新版
(1) “nerd politics” versus digital governance
(2) data, AI, and community collaboration
(3) grassroot, open, polycentric, and communal response to political and technological authoritarianism
(4) digital infrastructure grounded in empathy, inclusiveness, and plurality
(5) convergence of technology and social issues
## 網站要的內容
### summit 網站說明:
這裡是 g0v Summit 2024 Call for Paper 的投稿網站。
This is Call for Paper form for g0v Summit 2024.
g0v 社群 CoC (Code of Conduct) https://g0v.tw/coc/
The link is g0v Code of Conduct. https://g0v.tw/coc/en/
### 投稿說明:
各位關注 g0v summit 2024 的夥伴大家好! g0v Summit 2024 開始徵稿了!
|什麼是 g0v Summit?|
g0v Summit 台灣零時政府雙年會 兩年舉辦一次,關注開放政府、開源協作、公民參與等議題,是國際開放政府社群的焦點活動,過去四屆吸引多達 33 國講者投稿,近千名會眾參與。
g0v 雙年會大部份由社群貢獻者志願籌辦,大會籌備的討論文件皆以共筆形式公開。議程的內容與審議秉持開放、協作精神,鼓勵會眾協作議程文字紀錄,大會亦備有即時口譯、手譯及影像直播,盡力創造一個輕鬆、多元、友善的參與環境。議程除了大會籌辦,也開放完整時段的「開放工作坊」(Unconference),由參與者提案決定主題,以演講、討論、工作坊等形式創造新的協作空間。自由報名的全場「閃電講」更是開源社群傳統,開放、分享的精神貫穿大會。
| g0v Summit 2024|
Nerd Politics v.s. 數位治理:eID / 個人資料保護 / AI 科技規範 / 數位平台規管 / 數位性暴力 / 數位主權
資料、人工智慧與社群協作:開放政府 / 大數據(資料治理) / 群眾外包 / 地圖資料 / 開放課程
草根、開放、多中心的公民社群如何回應政治與科技的極權:社群治理 / 數位韌性 / 公民倡議 / 數位民防 / 開源精神
基於同理心、涵容、多元性的數位基礎建設:網路禮儀Netiquette / CoC / 數位兩極化 / 數位DEI(多元共融)/ 數位素養
技術與議題的交鋒:SDG /社會企業 / 數位轉型 / 創新創業 / 教育 / 非營利組織
本表單的第一頁將收集您的投稿主題、內容說明、與 g0v summit 2024 之關聯性、議程使用語言、方便與會日期等投稿相關資訊,以及電子郵件、姓名、稱呼等投稿者資訊。接著則會依照活動形式之不同分派到不同的表單段落調查不同活動形式的細節資訊。
### 個資聲明:(獨立page)
g0v summit 2024 個人資料蒐集、處理及利用同意書
Agreement of g0v Summit 2024 personal data collection, process and usage
The following information is provided in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and rules enacted in Taiwan.
機關單位名稱:g0v Summit 2024 籌備團隊 / Agency: g0v Summit 2024 workforce
蒐集之特定目的:g0v summit 宣傳使用 / Purpose: g0v Summit promotion
個人資料之項目:姓名與電子郵件 / Collected Items: Name and E-mail
個人資料利用之期間、地區、對象及方式:The time, area, people, and mechanism of usage
期間: g0v Summit 2024 及未來 g0v summit 籌備期間 (籌備時間認定為該屆總召確認當日起,至活動結束後30天內)/ Time: Preparation time of g0v Summit 2024 and Summit in the future.
地區:台灣 / Area: Taiwan
對象:自願填寫「g0v Summit 2024 Call for Paper」google 表單者/ People applied: people who voluntarily fill this form.
方式:蒐集、處理、利用 / Mechanism: collection, processing, usage.
According to the Article 3rd of Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following requests:
To check or review the collected data.
To receive a photocopy of the collected data.
To supplement or revise the collected data.
To cease the collection, processing or use of the collected data.
To delete the collected data.
According to the Article 14th of Personal Data Protection Act, you are entitled to make the following requests:
若遇行使第5及6條權利,請寫信至 g0v-summit-host[at]googlegroups.com ,本團隊將依法進行回覆。
If you want to make requests according to the Article 5th and 6th, please send a mail to g0v-summit-host[at]googlegroups.com . We will reply to you in accordance with Personal Data Protection Act and relevant laws and rules enacted in Taiwan.
如果您繼續填寫,代表您已明確知悉並同意 g0v 社群的 CoC與個資收集同意書。
If you keep writing, your action indicates that you have read, understood and accepted the contents set forth in CoC and agreement.