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tags: international
# 英文文宣共筆
## 構想
- 由於要前往 Code for Japan 2023,希望帶一些英文文宣到日本去宣傳給當地的社群夥伴,剛好洽逢 jothon 影響力手冊英文版完成翻譯與校譯,所以我會希望能夠以一張 A4 紙大小的文宣,上面有社群的簡介與相關的連結,可以讓拿到文宣的人迅速了解 g0v 在做什麼,以及可以參與到社群之中。 [name=peter]
## 要放的內容
### 社群簡介 Introduction of g0v community
Founded in 2012, “g0v” (gov-zero) is a Taiwanese polycentric civic hacking (civic tech) community situated at the intersection of open-source, hands-on, and public good.
> [name=chihao] 來源:三個圈圈圖
> [name=peter] 這個嗎xd 
> [name=chihao] YES - 我覺得如果是要提「核心價值」,這 3 項應該比較具備粗略共識(吧),然後又覺得用「核心價值」(core value)太嚴重,就改成 situated at the intersectio of [...] 了 XD
g0v engages in public affairs by drawing from the grassroot power of the community.
> [name=chihao] 這個不知道在說什麼 XD
> [name=peter] 這個是我複製網站上的簡介的XD
g0v community emphasizes action. People, projects, hackathons, and source code are four pivotal elements of g0v community.
> [name=chihao] 「人坑松源」應該是揪松團更新說法(原來是「人坑松」),我覺得更好,我 10 月底去 code for korea summit 也有引用([公開的簡報在這](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1e92u1zpIYCpnFsp9nKWdLeY1Y2UPJHWRkXsbJyhbBNM/edit?pli=1#slide=id.g25cfaafc9d0_2_71))
> [name=peter] 感謝 chihao,我來去看看!
### 社群宣言 g0v Manifesto
> 如果空間太小,下面的說明可以省略 [name=peter]
#### We come from everywhere
g0v is a community of open collaboration. We the g0v contributors are from everywhere. We are software developers, designers, activists, educators, writers, citizens and netizens of every profession. We gather in the hope to improve Taiwan’s civil society through technology and collaboration. If you’re willing to contribute your skills and expertise, you can take part in g0v.
#### We are a polycentric community of self-organized contributors
g0v projects are self-initiated and self-organized. With this Manifesto as the base of consensus, every g0v project makes its own decisions on its operation and governance. The g0v community is made out of these self-governing projects. There is no single center or representative of g0v.
#### We are citizens collaborating to bring about change
Starting from the open-source movement, g0v is an active citizen of Taiwan. We the g0v contributors support freedom of speech and information transparency. By providing digestible information and hands-on digital tools, we the g0v contributors bring more citizens to participate in public issues and influence government actions.
#### We live open-source
We the g0v contributors communicate and collaborate online, while convene and connect in hackathons offline. Project outcomes (including but not limited to text, images, code, data, analysis, and processes) are open-source, allowing more people to use, improve, comment, and maximize their usage.
#### We have fun and want to change the status quo
We the g0v contributors love to dig into problems, and we take pleasure in finding solutions and taking action to make a change. We connect different expertise to amplify our collective force. Guided by imagination, we collaborate and explore new frontiers. We act to change the status quo. We refuse to be silent accomplices.
#### We are you
g0v is a non-partisan, not-for-profit, grassroots movement. You can contribute to projects with your brain or your muscle. You can also be a sponsor for g0v hackathons or specific projects. If you like what you’ve read, get involved with g0v. Share your project ideas and your aspiration about a world renewed. Join us to change our society for the better.
### 專案範例
- vTaiwan: Buttom-up ways to discuss policy and regulation amendment.
- disfactory: Crowd-sourced ways to spot illegal factories.
- cofacts: crowdsourced and
- sch001: Educational project cooperating with schools and universities to promote digital democracy and civic tech.
- vaxx.tw : A website showing realtime vaccine stock during COVID-19 pandemic
- Mask Map: A map service showing realtime mask stock during COVID-19 pandemic
- da0: A sub-community focusing on blockchain and other technology innovation, comprised many different projects.
- g0v underground podcast: g0v podcast channel with Taiwanese Mandarin and English episodes.
- rentea: exploring the possibility of urban residency and housing policy in the future.
- open money flow: Focusing on the transparency of political donation.
- Amis Moedictionary: Open-sourced online dictionary for aboriginal language Amis.
### 相關連結
### 手冊連結
- 希望[英文版手冊連結](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ctpbook_en/https%3A%2F%2Fg0v.hackmd.io%2F%40jothon%2Fctpbook_en)做成 QR code。
- 2023 g0v Civic Tech Project & Community Handbook contains the introduction and history of g0v community, the tips and examples about how to start a civic tech community from scratch. If you are interested in civic tech community in Taiwan and East Asia, this is a must-read!
### 加入社群
- 希望把這個[連結](http://join.g0v.tw) 做成 QR code。
- Just like Code for Japan, g0v community uses slack as the platform for discussion. We have participants not only from Taiwan but also many different countries around the world on slack, so don't worry about the language barrier, join us!
### 社群推特
- 希望把這個[連結](https://twitter.com/g0vtw) 做成 QR code。
- Follow us on twitter for the latest info of g0v community!
## 設計相關
- [文宣設計](https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1EFaqJX_S0E25kmFXimrkP5yIX9VihLNbJkRJFmt8yiQ/edit?usp=sharing)
- credit: tofus