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tags: FtO
# FtO Jeju 2023 registration form draft
Google Form is [here](https://forms.gle/wt1AV3vhc1mF1yaL8) - editable by FtO organizers
## Intro text
Facing the Ocean (FtO) is an event that brings together civic hackers from Japan, South Korea and Taiwan — the three neighboring countries that share and “face” the same ocean. FtO Jeju 2023 (2023/6/9-11) will take place in Jeju, South Korea, and is co-hosted by contributors from Code for Korea, g0v, and Code for Japan.
【한국】아름다운 섬 제주에서 바다를 맞대고 있는 세 나라(한국, 일본, 대만)의 사람들이 함께 진행하는 밋&핵에 참가할 분들을 모십니다. 이 행사는 코드포코리아, g0v(대만), Code for Japan(일본)의 활동가와 시빅해커들이 함께 준비하였습니다.
【日本語】2023/6/9-11, 韓国のチェジュ島にて、海を越えて隣接する三ヶ国(台湾・韓国・日本)から集まり、ハッカソンを開催します。世界中にあるCode for Allコミュニティーから、g0v(台湾)、Code for Japan(日本)、韓国のシビックハッカーが集まり、オーガナイズする予定です。
> [name=chihao] I propose that KR and JP version to be updated to match the English version.
【華語】面海松集結來自日本、韓國、台灣,及其他鄰近國家、面向同一片海洋的公民黑客們。2023 濟州面海松將在 2023 年 6 月 9-11 日間在韓國濟州島舉行,由 Code for Korea、g0v、Code for Japan 的貢獻者主辦。
✅ EVENT SCHEDULE & MORE Detail / 자세한 사항은 다음과 같습니다 / 詳細はこちら / 更多關於面海松 >> https://g0v.hackmd.io/c/rJriRnlqE/
To outline what we expect in this event:
- No competition, no mentor, no prize, no winner, no loser, no theme, no fuzz.
- Free to do whatever.
- Do not violate CoC (https://g0v.hackmd.io/COC)
【한국】이 행사에서 우리가 기대하는 것은,
- 경쟁 없음, 멘토 없음, 상 없음, 우승자 없음, 패배자 없음, 테마 없음, 걱정도 없음.
- 무엇이든 해도 상관없음
- CoC를 어겨서는 안됩니다 (https://g0v.hackmd.io/COC)
- 競争することが目的ではないので、表彰・勝者敗者はありませんし、メンタリングや細かなテーマ設定はありません。
- どんなテーマ設定・企画でも構いません
- Code of conductに反することはしないでください。(排斥はせず、お互いを尊重することなどを大切にしてください。)
- 不是比賽、沒有導師、沒有獎項、沒有輸贏、沒有主題、沒有壓力
- 自主而自由的行動
- 請勿違反行為準則 (https://g0v.hackmd.io/COC)
⚠️ Please register individually. If you have any questions, find the organizers on Code for Korea’s Slack #fto-questions channel. (Join Code for Korea’s Slack [here](https://join.slack.com/t/code-for-korea/shared_invite/zt-1qpyoj7wy-SE9_pvexG~toHitBZF1i~A))
【한국】개인별로 아래 폼을 채워주세요. 그리고 질문이 있으면, 코드포코리아 슬랙의 #fto-questions 채널을 찾아주세요. ([코드포코리아 슬랙](https://join.slack.com/t/code-for-korea/shared_invite/zt-1qpyoj7wy-SE9_pvexG~toHitBZF1i~A))
【日本語】参加者は一人ひとりで下記フォームを入力・送信してください。何かわからないことがあれば、Code for Japanメンバーに直接あるいはSlackチャンネルにてお声かけください。([Code for Japan Slack](https://cfj.slack.com/join/shared_invite/zt-w2soa7jo-ZhVLNk5HjBMYm1GD72i36g#/shared-invite/email))
> [name=chihao] I propose that JP version to be updated to suggest people joining cfj slack :))
【華語】請以個人為單位報名這次面海松。如有任何問題,請到 g0v Slack #facing-the-ocean 頻道發問。你可以用這個連結加入 g0v Slack >> https://join.g0v.tw
💞 Share this form with your friends: https://forms.gle/XbiRm2hRnYmnNezLA
To register, begin by put in your email. 👇👇👇 Your email address is only accessible by organizers of this event.
## Section 1
### Email
### Join FtO mailing list?
- [x] I would like to recieve email about FtO events in the future.
## Section 2 - Public information
FtO encourages open collaboration by building connections between people and their diverse identities. To facilitate those connections: ⚠️ Information you put in this page might be made public for all participants and potentially anyone to read. ⚠️
### 😎 My nickname or alias is...
How you want to be called by other participants at this meet & hack? ⚠️ DO NOT put your real name here unless you’re okay with people knowing it. ⚠️
### ✈️ I am from...
Which community, city, or country are you from?
### 🍕 My g0v || cfj || c4k Slack ID is...
If you are not on g0v’s Slack yet, join here: https://join.g0v.tw. You can find the organizers via the #intl channel.
### 🐦 My Twitter handle is...
Would you like to share your Twitter handle?
### 💬 Tell everyone something about you!
A short self introduction? Perhaps 3 keywords about you?
## Section 3 - Private information
Information you put in this page is only accessible by organizers of this event.
### 🍱 My dietary preferences or requirements are...
Food will be provided during the event. Do you have a preference on food? Are you allergic to any food? The organizers will do their best to take care of everyone’s preferences and needs.
- [ ] I eat everything.
- [ ] I am vegetarian.
- [ ] I am vegan.
- [ ] (Other)
### 🛏 Notes on accommodation
● Please specify how many people are traveling with you (INCLUDING you) and need accommodation.
● FtO provides free-of-charge dorm-style share-room accommodation to FtO participants.
● We will do our best to arrange rooms for families or groups travelling together, but this is not guaranteed.
● Organizers can give recommendations of family-friendly accommodations nearby.
● You will get an email once your FtO accommodation is confirmed.
### 🛏 How many beds on Friday 12/20?
Choose 0 if you will find accommodation yourself.
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
### 🛏 What kind of room on Friday 12/20?
- [ ] Female only room
- [ ] Male only room
- [ ] Mixed room
### 🛏 How many beds on Saturday 12/21?
Choose 0 if you will find accommodation yourself.
- [ ] 0
- [ ] 1
- [ ] 2
- [ ] 3
### 🛏 What kind of room on Saturday 12/21?
- [ ] Female only room
- [ ] Male only room
- [ ] Mixed room
### 🎉 Party Friday night?
There will be a welcome party Friday night at 6pm. Would you be there?
- [ ] YES I will be there.
- [ ] NO I cannot attend.
- [ ] I’m not sure. (Please don‘t choose this. 🙇♂️)
### 🎉 Last Day Lunch (added by TW organizers 5/15)
There will be a lunch on 11st June. Would you be there?
- [ ] YES I will be there.
- [ ] NO I cannot attend.
- [ ] I’m not sure. (Please don‘t choose this. 🙇♂️)
### 🙋♀️ I want to help!
Many things needs to be taken care of during this event. Any extra energy to help?
- [ ] Registration desk
- [ ] Food
- [ ] Live-streaming
- [ ] (Other)
### 🤔 Any words to the organizers?
More information you need to say to the organizers? Any question, advice, or recommendation?