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tags: FtO, g0v-intl
# FtO Happy New Year 2022!
## Date + Time
January 23rd (Sunday)
2-4pm (TW/HK); 3-5pm (KR/JP)
https://meet.google.com/sxf-rnub-kgv (created by chihao)
I will join!
- chihao
- mee
- mami
- isabel
- Dasol
- pm5
- lexifdev
- hal
- Danbi
- ...
## Agenda
### FtO people share our recent work! (sign up below 🐤)
- example: [my id] [my topic]
1. lexifdev - ~~project that propose and ask IT policies to presidential candidates.~~ (in early stage)
- March presidential election
- Business oriented, many AI projects : Digital New deal policy - D.N.A(data, network, ai)
- gov staff lack of IT ability, tend to believe the companies
- ICT & credit card company collecting customer data
- collect questions and ask these question to candidate (2017) - TW case
- sharing the prototype : vote - opinion
- vote agree/disagree
- links and references
- comments
- focus on people's questions
- changing policy, but also just raising awareness of bad policies
- working with researchers / institutions? IT policy is broad - focused agenda?
- 2 focuses: usability(include accessibility) & privacy
- usability: many people know about it and agrees that it needs change
- TW: not clear goverance and Intsitution of privacy / law related to digital issue
- will have draft bill later this year, can talk about it with JP/KR people
- JP: "Data Free Flow with Trust" concept, reform privacy laws, creating ecosystem
- eco / social aspects
- local gov <-> local gov share
- KR: "Framework Act on the The Promotion of Data Production, Transaction and Utilization" will implemented at April
- https://ec.europa.eu/info/strategy/priorities-2019-2024/europe-fit-digital-age/digital-services-act-ensuring-safe-and-accountable-online-environment_en
2. mee - Same old Same old. Seoul DSI projects with citizen / digital literacy workshop with youth, NGO setor activists /
- same, normal
- Parti 2022 forum last week! https://parti.coop/parti2022 / https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsR_JBtNoXumTFZigNXfbxg
- (chihao) parti website always very beautiful!
- (mami) I will check on youtube!!
- \o/
3. hal - Make our City project (Code for Japan project)
- Let’s Make Our City - Citizen Centered City Creation CCCC
- smart city lab case in serveral city : citizen engagemen (decidim) - liveability - partici
- Decidim: Kakogawa city (last year), Hyogo Prefecture, Nishiaizu
- Make our City data platform based on FIWARE
- Most important: Community!
- necessary for connecting people, think what’s important, share knowledge and experience
- Mee: Smart City projects in several cities - usually "Living Lab"- designing thinking methods/social innovation case - proposal
- Hal PT : https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/12BTF15Rf1NCqpds-K764n635aFb2KlsQYKBDnV3o7hI/edit?usp=sharing
- Mee: local gov, com + private / ngo consortium - gov fund proposal
- Chihao : similar to 地方創生 /
- Hal: 地方創生 concept was upgraded to デジタル田園都市国家構想 recently in Japan.
- [Digital Garden City Nation](https://sp.m.jiji.com/english/show/15937)
- Danbi : Seoul / Smart city - Incheon "first smart city" ended in failure
4. Mami - trying to bring my research(remote support in the field of child development) to make a case for PHR(personal health records) in civictech way...
- try to relate to smart city project
- Ministry of Education wants to collect all the educational data
- Want to find examples of how can data improve people’s lives?
- set Health service agenda, so children brain function development related to sleep -- JP children doesn’t really sleep well
- Danbi: Koreans, too, least sleeping people in the world
- Yes, Korea and Japan are the worst two country in OECD.
- mami: https://brain-sleep.com/sleep-deviation/research2/
- mami: https://ouraring.com/
- Raw data can be retrieved,
- easier to encourage public participation
- tracking our own sleep???
- sleep trackers designed for children
- open source sleep trackers?
- Mee: my friend use this app https://www.snorelab.com/how-snorelab-works/
- Is it popular in Korea?
- not popular,but the fuction is interesting. this can check time, sound, behavior pattern (I heard sleep talking hihi)
- Asian, women, children(not enough data on Asians and non-males in the research field.)
5. Danbi - lurking..(it's 1 am here in Massachusetts..) -
- PhD candidate (Major : Communication)
- Every summer interviewing civic hacker in KR
- conflict between civic hackers & CSOs
- struggles & desires of the civic hackers
- civic hacking / og mvt in Asia why distinct from US and Western Europe
- in TW: mg, Sam
- dissertions about g0v
- interviews with g0vers
- hal san: help and connect interview / share links
6. Dasol - Collecting data to create Carbon Neutrality Dashboard and categorize which data is available or not
- c4j project on carbon footprint?
- [気候変動ジブンゴト化Project](https://hackmd.io/3ij07goVSRmVzn3LMjN5qQ)
- In order to accelerate our efforts to combat climate change (decarbonization) and achieve a resource-saving and recycling-oriented society, we aim to develop a web tool that visualizes the results of your actions and allows you to easily set goals and provide feedback, and to spread the tool in Japan.
- https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Yu-Sun-2/publication/341104182_The_Power_of_Data_From_the_Global_South_Environmental_Civic_Tech_and_Data_Activism_in_China/links/5ead9cb492851cb2676f84f4/The-Power-of-Data-From-the-Global-South-Environmental-Civic-Tech-and-Data-Activism-in-China.pdf
- Danbi: will ask :)
- (chihao) what company are the data coming from?
- (dasol) first already open data, contact company if find missing data
- contact to POSCO(steel industry)
- (isabel) power, ...
- (isabel) agreegate, clean, release datasets, educational workshops, company propose challenges --> hackathon
- 3 country similar
- http://odhack.asia/en/
- https://ja-jp.facebook.com/groups/aodhack/
- last year: [asian open data portal](https://dataportal.asia/home)
- chewei (contributor)
- https://dataopener.tw/ 資料申請小幫手
- https://climateactiontracker.org/countries/south-korea/
- https://www.cna.com.tw/news/ait/202107210320.aspx
- "台灣面臨極端氣候挑戰 唐鳳呼籲共建資料經濟生態系"
- "Taiwan faces extreme climate challenges, Audrey Tang calls to build data economy ecosystem"
7. Isabel - Climate Change Hackathon + g0v sch00l projects
- g0v sch00l demo day in Feb, 2022(2/19)
- https://sch001.g0v.tw/dash/brd/sch001-2021/list
- I will watch and join demo - mee
8. chihao - "IORG" Taiwan Information Environment Research Center
- https://iorg.tw
- Started company last year- data driven fact check
- social media / open data policy ex)china data
- write books - digital literacy media literacy workshop, lecture for children,students
- 0archive data & data schema --> interoperability!
- https://g0v.hackmd.io/@chihao/0archive/%2F0Mt45bP_TQ2g0jRFP0tfTA
- Understanding our languages is the foundation
- Identify problematic information --> making public discourse better, making internet for democracy
- data jounalism KR / TW situation related to democracy
- china watch page - with facebook page : iorg.tw/china-watch
- Mee : KR similar case - citizen media space https://alook.so/ (-Ohyeon works)
- https://dev-beta.soprize.so/(data driven writing from citizen - prize 100000)
- stories based on data
- READr - https://www.readr.tw/ - data jouralism in TW
9. chihao - fto homepage test
- idea: google doc --> webpage
- https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Epp7VLXaSdT43ZZrR6DvTtQytv_AINGQqmRG_hOS05A/edit
- https://fto.asia/rc
- https://github.com/chihaoyo/fto-web-nuxt
### What would FtO do in 2022? (propose below and discuss together)
- example: let’s share with FtO a photo of ourselves (alone or with friends / family) actually facing the ocean at least once this year [name=chihao]
- 1 meeting every 2 months [name=chihao]
- invite chewei to FtO hangouts [name=isabel]
- poke to ft0 members HK
- talk about digital services laws in TW / JP / KR / EU ...
- e-lunch 26th Wed 12:00 / 13:00
- Feb 19th? 26th