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# Swipe For Study Buddies 有效的尋找學伴及資源
OUR SERVICE ---> https://discord.gg/aqq5hdwVEG
👆join our server and start learning!!!
Discord:Tonychen #1945

## 我是誰 Who Am I??
Tony Chen,高中生,學習 competitive programming,但是經常發生資源取得不易的問題,所以想透過製作這個專案來解決。雖然網路資源相當發達,可是以一個初學者來說,他們可能連一些關鍵字都不知道,不知從哪裡開始著手搜尋好,也因此,我發現學伴也是學習的過程中不可或缺的要素,以我自身為例子,我一開始不知道競技程式是什麼,我只知道我喜歡電腦程式,直到我某天偶然發現了一個社群,裡面有許多厲害的人在做同樣的事情,我才知道這個酷東西。但是在那之前,我連競技程式是什麼都不知道,更不用說是上網查詢了。因此想做一個可以快速篩選有相關興趣或是專長的交友軟體,且提供經過統整的相關社群、網站資源可以幫助使用者有更佳的效率來學習及找資源。 Discord:Tonychen #1945
Sup guys, I'm Tony, a high school junior from Taiwan and have been learning competitive programming for about a year. Throughout the past year, I have constantly ran into difficulties in obtaining learning resources so I decided to solve this problem. Although we can google nearly everything from the Internet, but without using the related keywords, searching can prove fruitless and frustrating. This made me realized that having learning partners or tutors can make or break you. As we all know, learning with other people is more efficient than learning alone. As the old saying goes, two heads are better than one. Imagine what we can do with even more heads. For instance, I had no idea what competitive programming is nor what I really wanted until joining a Discord server. Furthermore, people in big Facebook groups usually don't have the patience to answer questions from beginners. They will even criticize those beginners and ask why not try googling first. My proposition is to solve this problem by matching up people who have similar interests and help them find learning partners in a more efficient way by swiping others' cards, just like how dating apps work.
Discord:Tonychen #1945
## 專案背景 Background of the project
生活在互相取暖的社會,難免需要同溫層的存在,而接觸同溫層的機會常常都是可遇而不可求的,在那之前,只能毫無頭緒的摸索。而在透過同溫層認識那些與自己有同樣興趣的人之後,發覺是否能夠讓學生與同溫層或有相同興趣的人去做配對,或是整理出相關社團及教學網站,故有了做一個媒合人們的網頁的想法,希望能彌補資源上的不足以及節省時間,用比較有效率的方式來尋找學習的夥伴或是老師及資源。在這之前,我也有去看過其他的自學網站,自學地圖、托特(技能交換)等等比較類似的社交網站,我發現有個問題就是資源無法被很簡潔的整合,可能散落在不同地方,也因此我想要讓使用者能比較有效率的拿到資源,除了可以找學伴以外,同時可以先看有沒有相關的社群隱藏在網路上,只是沒有被找到,以及一些大學的開放式的課程或是免費的教學網站、部落格可以讓使用者一目瞭然。整體來說,改變傳統使用者要自己 google 關鍵字進行主動搜尋的問題,改以我們一使用者的興趣推出他們可能想要的東西!
While learning, it might be hard to find people have the same interests as you do, this is definitely a drawback compared to people who have learning mates that can help each other during the process of learning. This makes me think or making a people-matching tool to make the process of meeting new people who might have the same interests or finding a teacher more efficient. At the same time, provide users with sources like websites on the Internet that users might find interesting depend on their interest. To conclude, we are trying to change the traditional method of users google with key words to find out what they want but to recommend people or websites that are related to their interests.
本專案之計畫在於透過discord bot,讓使用者迅速找到學習同伴或是老師,提升學習效率與增加學習動機,讓使用者不必再獨自奮戰,讓我們提供接觸同溫層的機會。目前是看到常見的約會應用程式會先填入一些個人資料,然後進行按鈕(喜歡)或是(喜歡)的動作去找尋與自己有共同愛好的人,根據使用者所填的興趣以及過去的操作記錄希望之後加入人工智慧的演算法來增加配對的效率,推薦更多比較和使用者興趣些近的人給使用者。只要有人喜歡你你就會收到通知,你可以決定是否要同意跟他配對,雙方都喜歡對方的簡介卡片即配對成功,能進行更多的聊天交流等等動作,常見的像是Tinder、JD 等等的就是這樣運作,提高找到學伴的效率。並且提供檢舉以及評分制度,在每次的交流之後,使用者可以對其他使用者進行評分,對於每個tag都有三個不同的等級,分別為領導者, 一般使用者, 菜鳥, 使用者會在一開始選tags時就可以對每個不同的tag去做自我能力或是意願的判斷,領導者會有比較大的權限像是開一個語音頻道討論,在配對時我們也會先以一個領導者,兩個菜鳥或是三個一般使用者優先配對起來。每次交流後,也都提供每個使用者檢舉他人的不當行以及評分的功能來確保安全以及品質,如果一位領導者多次被不同的人評很低分就會變回一般人的身份,如果被多次檢舉則會有管理員去查看情況。不用使用者主動搜尋,並且提供網路上所找到相關的社群、討論版、教學網站、部落格或是大學的開放式課程給使用者看到,可以使他們更快的找到學習資源以及學伴。
This project will mainly focus on matching people by a discord bot as UI to help users find study buddies faster without putting a lot of efforts doing research but not getting what you need. Basically, it will be represented by the user interface similar to dating app like Tinder, which you have to fill in your personal information, but we only require users to choose tags which represent their interests, and what you would like to learn or your professions, then the algorithm will filter out some people who have the interests similar to you then you can choose whether you feel like to have deep convo with them, we will apply machine learning in the future to recommend better candidates for users to choose from. Also, we chose to build our service on Discord because by using Discord, we will not obtain too much personal information from users which makes the process safer and alleviate the pressure to advertise our service compared to making a web app. Furthermore, we have a rating and report system, at the beginning, when users choose their tags, they can choose to be a mentor, which we will grant more permission like open a voice channel, and the second one is normal and the last one is newbie, when we are helping people matching up, we will match up a mentor and two newbies or three people who have normal roles as priority into a group, when three people are matched up, they will be able to create a thread which only three of them and the admins have access to. After deep convo, they can rate other two people in that thread also, report users who acted inappropriate. If we keep getting report of a user from different people, admins will go check on the person who got reported and possibly ban his account. If a mentor keep getting low ratings from other people, his/her mentor role will be changed to normal but can apply to be one in the future.


## 專案目標 Targets
1 Help people who are trying to learn anything find learning partners or teacher from the Internet.
2 Organize the information scattered on the Internet such as open course from different schools and blogs, letting users grab what they need without searching with different keywords.
## 專案對象 User Group
- 目標年齡層:小學至社會人士 Ages: From elementary student to people who graduate
- 目標群體:有相同興趣/特別熱愛的科目(學習交流為主)User group: people who have same interests, not limiting on school work but anything you are willing to learn.
## 預期效益 Expectations
讓使用者能快速的找到興趣相投的人,不會因為資源的缺乏或不平均就減少了學習的機會,透過人脈的認識來彌補這個問題。 By using this web app, we are willing to minimize the problem of resources cannot be obtained that easily and not distributed equally to students from different places and make the whole finding learning partners process smoother and faster.
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<span class="blue">If you are willing to contribute or joing this program, please DM my discord or leave a comment at this hackmd</span>