# Project Peace 和平專案 專案和平臉友.聯友.聯署.臉書 > > a Web page that assignment the signature of Ally of Peace and photo. Just Sign. The core Idea of this project is to make the peace allies a resentment to be in part of a statement of peace on the war going on in the world, to be engage in the project, is to be a part of the group of signatures on our belief to be a presenter of peace. a signature designates a forward message that we are all against overall bombardment in peasant house. What is the purpose of this website which can be built in simple website form? To unite people’s voice supporting notion of Peace and spread the word out of the world. Is it dreamy? I don’t know. at least I have to try. Differences between social media is that it is spreading out simply by names and willingly uploaded photos. Throughout the using of newsletters, people who signed for the project can take part in the newsletter and hoping it would be multiple language news letter and worldwide website. The Change start from ourselves within ourselves. a monthly newsletter is published and sent through the email list of the signer of the project. Every voice that are willing to be voiced can be written in the letter, a co-work page is created each month. Through the simple idea and tools, it can be real interesting. NEED n@me list. > people who I think st@nd with people @re whom th@t @re supportive to which we decide our future to pe@ce. em@il list spre@ding word list >In the @ge of tended w@r we must h@ve something to s@y.