**Current research in Taipei for new feature documentary film about digital democracy
**Nov 15, 2022**
My name is Moritz Riesewieck. I’m a documentary filmmaker from Vienna. Together with my co-director Hans Block from Berlin I’m working on a new feauture documentary film which I’m currently researching for in Taipei.
We want to explore the question of how digital technologies can be used to increase the participation of all people in society in democracy, economy and social justice.
In our feature film we want to tell of current examples that show what a constructive and publicspirited approach to digital technologies can look like and how they can be used for the public good. How can democracy evolve in the digital age? How can the exploitation of finite resources be limited and overproduction curbed with the help of more efficient coordination, sharing, repairing, and maker spaces?
Since I’m sure you guys have already gained so much experience in the development of all kinds of open-source-tools for rebooting democracy and a more participatory economy I would be very glad to meet and talk to you - ideally in person in Taipei if you are available on such a short notice before the weekend. If not I’m also fine to talk to you via video call anytime soon.
If you are not available for an in-person-meeting or a video call but still want to share some thoughts pls feel free to respond to one of the following questions (Of course I have actually many more questions but just as a selection ;)):
What are your most important takeaways from the years you have been working on digitalizing democracy?
What are you currently working on?
What are the next steps in developing open-source participatory consensus tools?
What role does the data coalition and the crowdsourcing of data via sensors etc play?
What are the different ways how people who are not coders can participate beside voting?
What can other countries like mine learn from you with regards to how to motivate people to participate?
What could a pro-social-network for billions of people worldwide look like?
Could platforms and services like Amazon, Airbnb or Uber be run by people instead of profit-oriented companies?
Is there any alternative to capitalism as we know it today - And if so, what role could data, algorithms and machine learning play in this?
What would a digital democracy look like in 2030 according to your wishes?
Briefly about us:
We, Hans Block and Moritz Riesewieck, were invited with our debut feature film “The Cleaners” to the Sundance Film Festival in the US and more than 70 other film festivals worldwide, were nominated for an Emmy and won the Prix Europa for Best TV Documentary in Europe. With our new film we aim for a similar distribution at international film festivals, in theaters an on public broadcasters worldwide.
Before potentially recording an interview about your work, ideas and inspiration I would be happy to meet and talk off-cam.
Disclaimer: Since my research here and the production of the film are financed by public broadcasters, unfortunately we can't make any interview footage we may record publicly accessible before the official release of the film, according to our contracts with the broadcasters. However we may be able to publish transcripts etc. to care for transparency - Happy to talk about that as soon as we meet.
If you are interested please contact me here or via e-mail to produktion.laokoon@protonmail.com
Congratulations on your amazing work and best regards,