tags: SXSW
# Apply to Participate at SXSW 2020: Artists, Filmmakers, Startups & More
* Final Entry Deadline: July 19, 2019
* Community Voting: August 5-23, 2019
Give your idea a title and add some basic information.
* Title
* Format
(Formats define what particular kind of session you are proposing. Please note: If you are interested in applying to be a Mentor for the SXSW Conference, please fill out your information [here](https://form.jotform.com/90936915912162).)
* Book Reading (1 hour, 1-2 speakers)
* Focus15 (15 mins, 1 speaker)
* Meet Up (1 hour, 1-2 speakers)
* Panel (1 hour, 2-4 speakers)
* Podcast (1 hour, 2-4 speakers)
* Presentation (1 hour, 1-2 speakers)
* Level of Expertise
* Beginner
* Intermediate
* Advanced
* Track
* Intended audience
Narrow, focused ideas work best. Please click on the help (?) for guidance.
* In 800 characters or less (including spaces), describe your session idea
* List the three takeaways that your session will answer regarding the topic proposed. Please do not put a number in front of your questions — PanelPicker will automatically add a number to the voting interface.
(150 character limit for each takeaway)
* Takeaway 1
* Takeaway 2
* Takeaway 3
Add video and other resource links to support your idea.
* Videos and Visual Aids
`Videos and/or visual aids: Please provide at least one resource below to showcase your idea. Use it to highlight speaking abilities or help further explain your proposed idea. Make sure you have clear rights to use the link as it will be used for public viewing, and please enable closed captioning for any videos you include. To make your YouTube video accessible to a larger audience, see easy-to-use instructions here.`
* Link to YouTube video
* Link to Vimeo video
* Slideshare or other Slidedeck link
* Other resource link
At least one resource is required for your proposal to be submitted for consideration.
The speakers you enter will be considered along with your proposal. Please click on the help (?) button for guidance.
`When choosing speakers, keep in mind that SXSW strives to strike a diverse balance of ideas and backgrounds among speakers at the event, and that SXSW speakers are allowed to participate in only two sessions per conference. If your proposal is accepted, you may be asked to replace some of your speakers.
This SXSW session must have one speaker. Please be mindful of speaker limitations associated with your session format.
Fields for private information not viewable during community voting.
This SXSW session must have 1 speaker. Please be mindful of speaker limitations associated with your session format.`
* Speaker Information
SXSW collects the following information to better understand who our applicants are, conduct independent research about each applicant’s work, review your application, and communicate with you about your application. By providing the information below, you acknowledge that you obtained consent from the speaker to provide SXSW with that speaker’s personal information.
* Speaker biography
* Qualifications
* How does this speaker contribute a diverse perspective?
* Prior speaking experience
* Book title
* Book description
* Book URL
* Book release date
* Blog URL
* Please select at least one Primary Contact option
* I (Primary Contact) have a personal relationship with this speaker: Y/N
* What is the nature of this relationship?
* I (Primary Contact) have a means of contacting this person
* I (Primary Contact) have confirmed this person is available to speak on this session if accepted. Y/N
Your proposal is almost complete. Once you click the "Enter Proposal" button below, you will no longer be able to edit your proposal. Please take the time to review all aspects of your proposal and make any last edits. After you have reviewed your proposal, carefully read the agreement terms and conditions below. You are referred to as “I” or “Applicant” throughout the terms and conditions, and SXSW EDU and SXSW Gaming are referred to as SXSW.
- [ ] I have read the tips for a successful proposal section of the PanelPicker FAQ. I have incorporated those tips into my PanelPicker entry.
- [ ] The proposal contains my idea, and all supporting materials, including but not limited to videos (“Materials”) I entered along with the proposal. I understand that my proposal is publicly viewable during the PanelPicker voting process. I obtained all necessary rights for use of the Materials in PanelPicker voting. Neither my proposal nor the Materials infringe on any third party’s rights, and I hereby license to SXSW the right to make the Materials available via PanelPicker.
- [ ] I agree to enable closed captions for any Materials that I include along with my application.
- [ ] I will be the Primary Contact for this proposal going forward and will immediately notify you should the Primary Contact change.
- [ ] Any speakers I list in the PanelPicker form will be considered as part of my proposal, I am providing accurate contact information for each one, and each speaker is aware that I am providing SXSW with that speaker’s information.
- [ ] If my proposal is accepted, I will need to confirm acceptance in a timely manner and adhere to all posted deadlines or my proposal will be dropped from consideration.
- [ ] The format and track of my proposal may need to be changed by SXSW organizers in order to be accepted as part of the event.
- [ ] I may not publicize my proposal through use of contests, sweepstakes, or other similar platforms.
- [ ] SXSW will make all determinations related to late-entries, cancellations, and programming.
- [ ] SXSW reserves the right to restrict access to or availability of comments related to PanelPicker proposals that it considers objectionable.
- [ ] I agree to use PanelPicker in accordance with the SXSW Code of Conduct, which is available here.
- [ ] I consent to SXSW collecting, processing and using the personal information I supplied in this application in order to review my materials and communicate with me about the application.
- [ ] SXSW Marks. SXSW is the owner of all right, title and interest in and to the trademarks SXSW, SOUTH BY SOUTHWEST, SOUTH BY, SXSW EDU, and the SXSW GAMING logo, social media images, or other materials embodying the same provided by SXSW to Applicant (collectively, the “SXSW Marks”). SXSW hereby grants Applicant a non-transferable, limited, non-exclusive, royalty-free, revocable license (“License”) to use, reproduce, and display the SXSW Marks until September 6, 2019 (the “Term”) to promote Applicant’s PanelPicker proposal, solely as follows: (a) in hashtags as follows: (i) #ApplicantatSXSW; (ii) #APPLICANTatSXSW; (iii) #Applicant_SXSW; and/or (iv) #SXSW; and (b) with SXSW’s prior approval, on electronic flyers and digital marketing materials (collectively, the “Licensed Activities”). Any additional use of the SXSW Marks, including in hashtags, requires SXSW’s prior written approval. Applicant will promptly comply with any instructions provided by SXSW, including, but not limited to, the SXSW, SXSW EDU, and SXSW Gaming Logo Guidelines, regarding Applicant’s use or removal of the SXSW Marks to ensure that the Licensed Activities, and any other approved use of the SXSW Marks, are of a level of quality required by SXSW. SXSW does not grant the right to Applicant to create any physical goods other than the flyers described above. All use of the SXSW Marks by Applicant will inure to the exclusive benefit of SXSW. All rights not licensed herein are explicitly reserved by SXSW. Applicant further agrees to strictly comply with the terms of the Participant’s Supplemental Trademark License Terms available here: http://www.sxsw.com/trademark-guidelines/. (“Supplemental Trademark License Terms”). In the Supplemental Trademark License Terms, Applicant is referred to as Participant, which terms are intended by SXSW and Applicant to be synonymous.
- [ ] I understand that once I have entered my idea, it is final and can no longer be edited.