langs: zh-tw
GA: UA-98468513-3
tags: cofacts
Cofacts Tutorial
## The Cofacts LINE Bot is a collaborative fact-checking database system.
### Part 1: General Overview
The correct way to use:
1. Forward a possible hoax to our LINE bot.
2. The Cofacts bot will verify its credibility for you.
The incorrect way to use:
1. Submit your own question.
2. The Cofacts LINE bot will be confused at the unexpected input.
### You can be a collaborator too! Help us bust hoaxes!
#### Forward the suspicious message in its entirety to our LINE bot and see if there is a match in our database.
The Cofacts LINE bot will reply when it finds a match in the database. All the information in our database is collected and verified by our volunteer editors.
If the message had not been encountered by our bot before, choose: "None of these matches my request." ![](https://i.imgur.com/kffcIbD.jpg)
The bot will ask you, "Do you want to forward the message to our database?" Select YES.
The forwarded message will be saved and released to the public domain for others to view and investigate. Therefore, for the benefit of our volunteers, please make sure to only forward possible hoaxes or scams.
### Part 2: How to Use Cofacts
### 1. Add our LINE Bot as a contact by scanning our QR code or searching for the ID: “@cofacts”.
[![真的假的 LINE bot]()](https://line.me/R/ti/p/@cofacts)
### 2. When you receive a suspicious message, forward the complete message to our LINE bot.
### 3. The Cofacts LINE bot will then search in our database for a possible match of the suspicious message.
#### 3-A. If there is a match in the database, the bot replies with fact-checking results.
1. User forwards possible hoax to the Cofacts LINE bot.
2. The LINE Bot finds similar matches in our database.
3. It responds to the user.
4. The user sees the fact-checking results.
#### 3-B. If there is no match in the database, please submit a new request so that the message can be reviewed.
(Please note: you will not get a result from the search if there is no match.)
1. LINE bot does not find a match with the message forwarded by the user.
2. The bot will then ask the user: do you want to submit this to our database?
3. The user should choose yes.
4. Volunteer editors will see your pending request and respond manually.
5. If anyone requests a review on a similar message, then they will be able to see the fact-checking results.
### What defines a hoax?
**Example**:“Homosexuality is a disease. If the same-sex marriage bill passes, AIDS will become a pandemic.”
**Example**:“It is persimmon season, so please forward this message to your loved ones! Do not eat persimmon with yogurt drink nor with bananas - they are poisonous when combined together and it’s all over the news. A child died on his way to the hospital. Please forward this to everyone in your other groups! Do not wait until it’s too late, your family and friends will thank you for it!”
**Example**:"Forwarded from professor Wu-Shou Chang of National Yangming University, Institute of Public Health: 7-Eleven, President Chain Store Corporation has announced major food safety issues. All of its subsidiary beverage brands’ products are made from tea leaves from Vietnam, which contains extremely toxic material – dioxins.
Prosecutors have taken swift action to seize nearly ten thousand tons of toxic Vietnam tea leaves at their tea factory in Longtan District, Taoyuan, which belonged to its subsidiary beverage brand Chai Li Won.
Uni-President Enterprises Corporation will announce shortly to initiate the recall to take all products of Chai Li Won off the market. Chai Li Won calls not to drink any of its tea products. Definitely pass this on to your loved ones and friends.”
### Cofacts LINE Bot is not a database for news.
1. If the message is not a possible hoax or scam, please do not forward it to the Cofacts LINE Bot.
2. It will only respond when forwarded a controversial or suspcious message.
3. We will not investigate celebrity gossip.
4. We do not respond to messages regarding live weather forecasts or media interviews.
### We do not recommend that users use the Cofacts LINE Bot as a standard chatbot for testing random messages.
1. Cofacts LINE Bot does not have the functionality for chit-chat. It will only respond to possible hoax requests.
2. The messages forwarded to the database will sent directly to the public sphere, where it will be accessible to our volunteer editors.
3. Please note that if you choose to send a request to the database, you will not receive a response but you will create a record of a pending request.
4. Please note that if the bot detects a hostile attack from an unwanted, aggressive, or abusive message, it will block the user for good.
### Let’s take a look at our database.
If you are any of the following:
1. For friends who send only “keyword”, “blank” and “true or untrue” to out LINE bot.
2. For friends who are familiar with Google or any other search engine.
3. For friends who are thinking about something like: “I’ve heard of this rumor but don’t know exactly what it looks like”or “I want to search for a suspicious message which is related to…”
**Please click the link below.**
#### There’s a “Search For + All” at the upper left corner.
It can be very helpful for you if you just type in any keywords you have in mind to try.
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:arrow_left: Back to [Cofacts Home Page](http://beta.hackfoldr.org/cofacts)
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Cofacts LINE bot tutorial (for Android users)
To be update soon
Cofacts LINE bot tutorial (for iOS users)
To be update soon