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tags: jothon, g0v-talks
# g0ver @ Forum for Social Practice in Art/Media ‘Cultural Resistance in the Post-Open Data Age’
## 簡介 Intro
### 緣起 Why
Bess (g0v-jothon) 收到 Arts Council Tokyo 的山峰潤也先生邀請,將在日本東京的東京都寫真美術館介紹 g0v,主題將著重在社群與社會的關係。這次邀約是因為山峰潤也先生之前在台北駐村的時候,就有聽過 g0v 這個社群,不過當時還沒有合作機會。回到日本之後,他到了 Arts Council Tokyo 工作,開始討論科技、藝術與社會之間的關係,因此又想起 g0v (尤其是之前得到林茲電子藝術大獎),才透過藝術村的人脈找到了 Bess,串起這次的邀約。
### 活動資訊 Event
* 時間:Sunday, December 15 2019, 13:00 - 18:30 (Doors open at 12:30)
* 地點:1F Hall, Tokyo Photographic Art Museum (1-13-3, Mita, Meguro-ku, Tokyo)
* 主辦單位:Arts Council Tokyo (Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture)
* 日文頁面:https://www.artscouncil-tokyo.jp/ja/what-we-do/network/arts-council-forum/39792/
* 英文頁面:https://www.artscouncil-tokyo.jp/en/what-we-do/network/arts-council-forum/39792/
>13:00-13:05 Greeting from the organizer
13:05-13:30 Greeting from the planner Junya Yamamine
13:30-14:30 Session 1: Cultural resistance by advanced spatial and media investigations in the activities of Forensic Architecture
Speakers: Eyal Weizman and Christina Varvia (Forensic Architecture)
Moderators: Taichi Sunayama, Junya Yamamine
14:30-14:40 Break
14:40-15:40 Session 2: The civic tech community g0v and their use of open data as a tool for citizen empowerment
Speaker: Bess Lee (g0v)
Moderators: Kazuya Kawasaki, Junya Yamamine
15:40-15:50 Break
15:50-16:40 Session 3: Methodology for Problem-raising: From the fields of art, design and architecture to communities, cities and environments
Speakers: Ai Hasegawa, Kazuya Kawasaki, Taichi Sunayama
Moderator: Junya Yamamine
16:40-17:00 Break
17:00-18:30 Discussion by all panelists (including Questions from audience)
>*Translation: Japanese/English (simultaneous interpretation), Japanese/Chinese (consecutive interpretation, closing discussion only)
*The program details are subject to change.
## 演講內容 Presesation Topic
**The civic tech group g0v and their use of open data as a tool for citizen empowerment**
改成 **The CivicTech Community g0v and Their Use of Open Data as a Tool for Citizen Empowerment**
> [name=chihao] civic tech group -> civic hacking community?
> [name=bess] 我這禮拜才看到這個題目,應該會請他們改一下。
## 主辦單位的問題 Questions from Art Council Tokyo
### Can you please introduce us g0v’s history and its transition; what is the fundamental concept to form g0v and how it is on the move?
### What kind of projects and activities that consists of g0v?
- 人、坑、松 People, projects (pits), hackathons (thons)
### What kind of individuals and people including you are committing to g0v’s activities?
- People who like to have fun
### Also can you please introduce us the major projects that represent g0v’s works and philosophy? It will be very meaningful and inspiring for audiences.
- g0v-jothon & g0v-intl, community governance, collaborative representation...
> [name=bess] 我就用演講內容來回應這些問題,詳細在下面~
(更新)主辦單位在 12/4 寄來的更多問題(以下)
### How did g0v make the infrastructure of the community when g0v start the project. I guess the first progress is quite difficult because people don’t know your method and the influence of the project yet. We are interested in how did you start up in what kind of start line? How did g0v share visions with the people?
### Why g0v is the anonymous community?
- It’s perhaps semi-anonymous?
- You can use your real name if you want.
### Why did g0v choose the style of hackthon?
- Because it’s more about making things. Because of the bi-monthly hackathons, people do end up knowing each other I think.
### What kind of change was happened to g0v after the Sunflower Movement. What is the change of before/after? As long as my understanding, g0v worked as for the resistance against the old government but now it has been changed. What kind of discussion had happened at that timing? And also, I’d appreciate it if you introduce the projects after the change of the government such as the vTaiwan.
- The Cross-Strait Service Trade Agreement was blocked
- Many people joined g0v’s hackathons
### I think it is not easy to keep to motivate the community but g0v looks quite active. How g0v motivates the people?
- Pizza & fried chicken
- Machine-readable data sets
- Not really active?
### What kind of way do you have to protect the community from the antis.
- What’s antis?
- 黑特? If you don't like what we do, then you can do it by your own way. That is okay.
### What drives g0v’s motivation. How g0v motivates the participants.
- Pizza & friend chicken
- Food, friend, humors?
### I know the community of g0v became quite big but I’d like you to talk about the social influence of your projects or responses from the people.
- It’s better to ask the project themselves?
- I wrote [this](https://taiwaninsight.org/2019/12/06/a-strong-democracy-is-a-democracy-rooted-in-communities/). Third paragraph.
### And what was difficult on your experience through the activities of g0v.
- Tech first versus human first.
- Crowd first versus professionals first.
### What do you think the meaning to show your projects in the art circle.
- Community-building is the most relevant contemporary art.
- Art circle need to know the real situation of society.
## 演講可能會有的架構 Presesation Content
* 講者(Bess)簡介
* 與藝術家一起工作/與工程師一起工作的差別:以大河小溪為例
* jothon 簡介(從全志工到揪松的成立,黑客松、基礎松、獎助金到更多不同領域的合作)
> [name=chihao] 洪仲丘是 2013 年,我直接改。vTaiwan 沒記錯的話是 2014 年底就提案,2015 就有做出來囉。蔡玉玲提案「虛擬世界法規調適發展」的影片 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMS4HuFzwcE
* g0v 介紹
* 開源是什麼?開源社群在做什麼?
* 開源的特性:早釋出常釋出
* 開源吸引人的原因:成果開源
* g0v 的樣貌:
* g0v 的核心價值:不要問為什麼沒有人做這個
* 專案並列,各自有各自的活動(點點圖包括:黑客松、獎助金、Summit、真的假的編輯小聚、vTaiwan、違章工廠、選舉大補帖、Rentea、面海松)
* g0v 的協作工具
* 起源與台灣社會的關係:2012 對現狀的不滿(經濟動能推升方案)、2013 洪仲丘事件、太陽花、2016 選前 vTaiwan 與選後數位政委上任
* 發展:g0v 七年來的專案
* 中央總預算視覺化(從中央到地方)
* Hackfoldr (延伸到 HackMD)
* 政治獻金(延伸到 金流百科)
* 投票指南(延伸到 選舉大補帖)
* 真的假的
* 當下:2019 從去中心到多中心的 g0v 宣言
* g0v 的沒有人
* 大松參加者組成
* 技能貼紙
* 自我介紹跟三個關鍵字
## 討論段落 Discussion Session
The last session (discussion) would be 90 min.
All seven speakers in the forum and the audiences would join.
In this part, we are preparing a Japanese - Chinese interpreter for you.
## 時程 Timeline
* 29 NOV - DEC 03:準備演講架構和簡報
* 03 DEC:交簡報給主辦單位
* 04 DEC - DEC 14:準備演講稿和翻譯
## 授權條款 License
本著作係採用<a rel="license" href="http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/">創用 CC 姓名標示-相同方式分享 4.0 國際 授權條款</a>授權。