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tags: edu, hackathon
# "ARAY" Platform for Civic Hackers | 零時小學校 學生時數系統 Sch001 Learning Certification
Thank you for joining this project!
## [首頁 Homepage](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ARAY)
### 目標 Object
「ARAY」唸作「[a lai](https://amis.moedict.tw/#:aray)」,是阿美語「感謝、感激」之意,是一個公民科技貢獻者的專案與任務視覺化平台。
> "ARAY" ([a lai](https://amis.moedict.tw/#:aray)) means "grateful" in Amis. "ARAY" is a project/mission visualization platform for civictech contributor.
**舊版說明 Previous info**
零時小學校在今年預計將與 g0ver @John Huang 和日本 Code for Japan、韓國 Code for Korea 合作「時數系統」專案,讓零時小學校的營隊學生和專案參與者,都可以將上課或貢獻專案的時數登錄在系統上,並可輸出時數證明,讓你在社群的貢獻可以被看見。
「時數系統」專案第一階段將開放零時小學校和合作社群的學生使用,第二階段會再開放 g0v 所有坑主加入,也就是坑主以後都可以加入這個系統,協助坑內成員做時數認證或其他貢獻的串連。
目前本專案英文暫名為「Sch001 Platform」,不過因為第二階段之後,希望開放給 g0v 社群所有坑主使用,希望取一個不侷限在「Sch001」的名字,歡迎有興趣的人一起來集思廣益~
> Sch001 is expected to cooperate with g0ver @John Huang, Code for Japan (JP), and Code for Korea (KR) on the "Learning Certification System" project this year.
> On the system, students from Sch001’s camp students or others communuties can login the class hours or contribution hours to the project, furthermore, the learning certification can be printed as paper certification, so that their contribution to the community can be seen.
> The first step of the "Learning Certification System" project will open Sch001 and cooperative community students to use, and the second step will open all community pit owners to join, pit owners can join the system in the future to help pit members to certificate their contributions.
> **Now we are collecting project names!**
> For now, this project is temporarily called "Sch001 Platform" in English, but this project will be open to all g0v community pit owners, so we hope to choose a name that is not limited to "Sch001".
> Welcome to brainstorm together!
### 網站
- [aray.g0v](https://tst.aray.g0v.dev/)
### 推廣 Promotion
**名稱發想 Brainstorm of System Name (done)**
> EX: Project Name (Your ID)
- Sch001 Platform
- g0vers, iG0V, g0v.cloud, g0vbase, g0v lab, g0v platform, g0v contributions platform (Jonh)
- **c0ntributions** (John)
> ++ [name=bess]
- Playf0rm (bess)
- Open minutes /hours,every minutes count, minutes/hours between projects ,minutes in projects(Julia)
- g0vernance (Johnson)
- g0visa (chewei)
- g0via(chewei)
- g0v credit (Terry 豆腐)
- COMAC (Credentials of movement and contribution) (Terry 豆腐)
- OpenCredit (chihao)
- j0hn (chihao)
- clkao
- ==aray 感謝你的貢獻! (bess)==
> ++ [name=chewei]
> ++ [name=chihao]
- pawli(阿美語的香蕉)
> 希望取一個不要太 g0v 的名字。 [name=bess]
#### Logo
- [Proposal for Logo](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/ByA8devju)
## 開發 Development
- [需求盤點與規劃 Specification & Plan](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/S1_i8gDsu)
- [測試與回饋 Test & Feedback](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/Bke7teDiu)
- [使用者經驗與介面 UX/UI](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/H1y-2lwo_)
- [專案議題分類討論 Project Category](https://g0v.hackmd.io/oRzJ35zxQGe4lc3aaTqMPg)
- [成就系統 Achievement System](https://g0v.hackmd.io/kTE8WycmQlGvnthulENsIg)
## 待討論 Issue
- [Github Issue](https://github.com/g0v/aray/issues) [target=_blank]
- [新舊專案創建-工作流程](https://g0v.hackmd.io/ApSY9-QySCibFQMs5AMEsQ)
- [Others Issue](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/BkbS-edyK)
## 會議記綠 Meeting Note
- 2021/03/19 Fri.
> John, Bess
- [2021/03/30 Tue.](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/rJx9fewsd)
> John, jothon
- [2021/04/16 Fri.](https://hackmd.io/8gk1VsRkT_i1fOHK1Yny2w)
> Mee, Bess, Mami
- [2021/6/10 Thu.](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/HyNsebkiu)
> Bess, ichieh, John, Isabel
- [2021/6/16 Wed.](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/Sk-cQlvj_)
> kaizumaki, mami, john, bess
- [2021/6/19 Sat.](https://g0v.hackmd.io/s/SkpiNN5oO)
> 豆腐, bess, John, SYT, Tina, CHY
- [2021/06/26 Sat.](https://hackmd.io/@codeforjapan/SHD28th)
> Social Hack Day
> Kazuki Imamura, Bess, いわさき えりか, きょうこ, ラスアル松本, songwhan, おおたかずほ, y-chan, ハル
- [2021/07/24 Sat.](https://hackmd.io/@codeforjapan/SHD29th)
> Social Hack Day
> Kazuki Imamura, Bess, のんたん
- [2021/08/04 Wed.](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jothon/BJFxQtvJK)
> john, bess
- [2021/08/04 Wed.](https://g0v.hackmd.io/ArOXfQu-Tt61FwaTOF20RQ)
> terry, ryno, icheih, ying