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tags: web3
# Web3x公共財 會議第11次討論會
時間:2022/10/7 20:15
mashbean 豆泥
## Quick update
- da0 website drafted https://www.da0.wtf/ to be transferred to da0.g0v.tw
- 先期知識共筆更新 https://g0v.hackmd.io/@jmqqBzEuTfyhzhylQiNAgw/rkmURiDaq/%2FxPWwJ01tRNqPk3p-RYYgEw%3Fview
## General
- 已向外公布 Banner
- 贊助商這邊也提到希望KKTIX內文也能修改各單位角色
- [新聞稿已向外遞交](https://g0v.hackmd.io/@noahyeh/r1XZoNdzj)
- 暫定 10/18 彩排測試
- Noah/Isabel 介紹 da0 起頭 session 是否可多佔用5分鐘?
- 6:30-6:40 Opening (Noah/ Isabel - d0v)
- 6:40-7:10 Welcome to DeSoc - 30mins (Gitcoin, Leon virtual)
- 20mins recording + 10 mins QA
- 7:10-7:40 Impact Certificate - 30mins (Protocol Labs, virtual)
- 20mins recording + 10 mins QA
- 7:40-8:00 Break - 20 mins
- 8:00-8:40 Panel: web2 - web3 - how we organize people
- panelist: mashbean (founder of FabDAO), 高重建 (Founder of LikeCoin), Jacky (Founder of BZD), 張潔平 (Founder of Matters)
- moderator: Vivian (Founder of Hepta Education/ MD of Girls in Tech Taiwan)
- 8:40-8:50 QA - 10mins
- 8:50 - 9:20 Glen Weyl & audrey talk (10/15交影片)
- 20mins recording + 10 mins QA
- 9:20-9:30 Closing (Noah/ Isabel - d0v)
### Gitcoin Leon stage of confirmation
- Participation confirmed
- Confirmed to be Leon
- Video to be recorded by 10/15
- Live Q&A to be confirmed
### Protocol Labs stage of confirmation
- Participation confirmed
- Participant, Evan recording, Matt Q&A
- Video to be recorded by 16th
- Live Q&A confirmed
### Glen & Audrey
- Participation confirmed
- Participant confirmed
- Video to be recorded by 10/15
- Live Q&A to be confirmed
### Panel confirmation
- mashbean (Founder of FabDAO), ok
- 高重建 (Founder of LikeCoin), TBD - (線上一定ok、實體還在確立)
- Jacky (Founder of BZD), TBD
- 張潔平 (Founder of Matters), 已確認
## 影片翻譯上字幕
影片上 youtube 後看中文翻譯是否可讀
## Venue
- 有線無線網路快速
- 有線網路有三個插座與三條網路線
- 有收音麥克風
- 區塊鏈協會會準備七張高腳桌(every 坑主 take one)
- 食物區塊鏈協會贊助 15000 NTD for 拿坡里
- 額外螢幕輪播 regenerative 概念,常駐兌換 Kudos QRcode
## Media
動區回饋 from Noah
- "嗯嗯關於媒體合作夥伴。若與其他媒體一起並列,我們這邊傾向就不特別掛名合作,如先前電話聊到同層級的露出對我們來說較非我們所考慮的,所以公司這邊會先婉拒🥹 不過我這有幫凹了下編輯,雖然沒法合作,屆時若你們有新聞稿還是可提供給我,我可幫推"
鏈新聞回饋 from 豆泥
- "好" XD
- 好的定義 To be discussed
區塊势 from 豆泥
- "當然好,支持這個主題"
## 公關票問題
## Livestream
- 主要挑戰
- Recordings, Q&A, Live 現場收音
- 畫面切換問題
- 預想架構圖
## MintKudos
- Ted & Matt in charge
- Ted 與 Terry 確認視覺
- 視覺 10/14 出
- Matt 負責 21 號引導兌換 Kudos
- Matt 負責 23 號工作坊
## MeetTaipei/PL Nov visit
- 目前行程
- 11/16 morning Appworks meeting, afternoon BNEXT interview
- 11/17 afternoon Dr. Bao Podcast, dinner with RxC Taipei
- 11/18 afternoon Catherine Lu interview, dinner with g0v, da0
- 11/19 10~10:40AM MeetTaipei Panel
- Still being arranged
- INSIDE interview
- Audrey Tang chat
- Researcher & legislator dinner is still being planned
- Venue recommendations for FtC (大家有建議的地方嗎?)
- Blocktempo interview
- 時間可能會再調整
- 參與者除了 PL 的 Evan & Benjamin, who else?
- 200k > 50k NTD sponsorship fee
## T-shirts by Terry
大家記得投票! (投票截止日期是什麼時候?何時要印出 tshirt 才來得及?)
# Action Item
- 議程放上螢幕 QRcode https://g0v.hackmd.io/@da0/da0th/%2F%40da0%2FSkl4Y8Vzo
- 直播團隊開 hackmd 規劃(硬體、線路)、跟方舟溝通,約現場場勘(Macpaul, thekelvintw, SHAO)
- 接頭先拍攝 (N0ah)
- 高重建確定線上 (豆泥)
- Isabel Noah 要講什麼要先講好 (isabel, Noah)
- Jack start Gnosis wallet & cowork with Matt
- 當天活動細流 (vivian)
- 議程手冊共筆(大家)